View Full Version : Postoral Hypotension

24-07-10, 14:26
I had this a few times in my life, seen GP and she has always said it's normal, just the blood/bp taking it's time to reach your head so you get abit black in your eyes, or for some people it makes them quite dizzy.

I have had it quite bad lately, everytime I stand from sitting, and the last few days ive been painting and everytime I bend down to get more paint then stand up to roll the paint on the wall I got abit woozy in my head, it passes in seconds.

Me being me I am worrying, but my BP is ok (105/70) and it only happens when i stand up.

Is it just a normal thing? I just seem to have it quite bad at the mo.

24-07-10, 15:02
I have very low blood pressure and go through phases of this.
At one point when I wasn't eating much it got so bad I went for a shower and within a few minutes felt like I was going to pass out and felt incredibly sick. It literally felt like the blood had drained to my feet and all I could see was white and black. After sitting down for a while and having a very sugary tea it resolved.

24-07-10, 15:08
I have had a very stressful time recently so eating has been on and off. My BP isn't too bad, maybe abit low for me (105/70), but nothing too low. My BP is usually 120/80 ish.

24-07-10, 15:11
I've had this on and off for years. And lately, with my weight loss, it can be worse. Make sure you are drinking enough - that increases your blood volume and will help with the postural hypotension.

24-07-10, 15:20
Thank you Jo.

My GP has always said its normal, just some people need to get up slower than others or they get giddy. It just seems alot worse recently even though my BP isn't really that low.

I feel fine at other times, it is just when i stand up.

24-07-10, 15:30
I've learnt I need to get up slowly - so I'm in the same boat. Especially in the morning, from bed. Sit on the side for a minute before getting up.

24-07-10, 20:08
I've been getting this a lot and it's kinda making me anxious. I get it when I sit down too quickly sometimes too. I;m not sure if that's normal and again has made me worry about it. So now I think to myself 'i'm getting up will it happen' and of course it does. Then other times when I'm not thinking about it it doesn't happen. I get it when I got upstairs sometimes too. Again I don't know if that's normal.

24-07-10, 21:39
Yes, I get it running upstairs, I get it alot. x