View Full Version : LETHARGY

24-07-10, 17:47
I've been so tired all day, like a zombie, could literally just sleep all day. Not panicked today for once about anything, slightly hungover and my whole body's tired too. Im starting to feel as if i should panic about being so tired, shou ld I just go with it and not panic? it's just scary to feel so drained "( anybody else get this? like alllll day? should i nap or carry on fighting it?

24-07-10, 18:48
HI - I sometimes get this problem with tiredness. Actually being tired makes me feel really anxious. I tend to sleep alot when I feel like this and it usually passes but it is not good to sleep TOO much. Anxiety can be very tiring in itself so often anxiety makes you feel tired - it's a bit of a viscious circle. Make sure you eat plenty - I take loads of vitamins now as about a year ago I was eating so much rubbish and as a result completely knackered ALL the time. Having a hangover is probably making you feel tired too. At least you're not feeling anxious though so that is a good thing. I think you are tired because you have issues with panic - it is very normal. If you are able to rest you might as well do so and just wait till you feel better. Take care. :huh::)

24-07-10, 18:59
I've come across being like this, sometimes going on for days at a time. I use vitamins and fruit/energy drinks to boost my energy levels, but anxiety is knackering I agree. Generally, I would say go with how you feel, don't fight against the lethargy too much, just go with it. All the best ;-)

24-07-10, 23:48
Are u on any meds? mine make me tired.

24-07-10, 23:52
Do you work ? Do any exercise?

24-07-10, 23:57
I often feel tired and lethargic - a good walk/shower or vice-versa does the trick though. But over sleeping is a definite issue - sometimes I just don't want to get out of bed and so its hard not to oversleep - it can be hard! Lying down to read a book is also another problem - it usually leads to me falling asleep no matter how much sleep I had the night before.

25-07-10, 11:36
I'm not on any meds, don't work (doubt i could atm) and do a little bit of exercise, around 20~30 mins walking daily when i feel panic rising.

25-07-10, 11:42
Tried to avoid it but last night I was sat in the garden with my family and I was practically asleep on my feet, startd to feel nauseous and dizzy and then 30 mins later the whole chest tightness fast shallow breathing started, grabbed a paper bag for the first time which helped but with that attack the tiredness faded, maybe i was just full of adrenaline... woke up today and cant drag myself out of bed feel like lying here alllll dayyyy.

26-07-10, 00:44
I've felt absolutely drained all day. My hands are weak. My chest feels weird. I have very little balance. My eyes keep closing. I am totally lethargic. I'm going to just try to go with it. I am not particularly panicked today either. Perhaps it's just a bit of adrenal fatigue after weeks of panic non-stop.

I think we best just soldier on through this and we'll be okay in time.

26-07-10, 11:45
You're probably right, I think I'm oversleeping, by force, I wake around 9 lie here then force myself off back to sleep and then do the same every 15 mins for up to 2 hours, just can't drag myself out of bed even though I'm not that tired anymore. Haven't moved since I woke up, head's still on the pillow, slowly drifting off ://

26-07-10, 16:19
That's the thing, it could be the medication that causes the lethargy or it could be the depression/anxiety, or a combination of things. Also, it helps if you have a good reason/need to get out of bed - like needing a pee or to take the dog for a walk. Though sometimes I wonder if it's just me being a lazy bum?! :)