View Full Version : Confusion About Life!?

24-07-10, 17:58
I've been really anxious this week and ive been getting questions like Is this all life is etc? And freaking out and feeling like im in room where its walls are closing in on me :ohmy: Has this happened to anyone else when their anxiety is at a big peak!? Like your not sure how your going to make it through the next day etc?

For me at the moment its like complete separation like nothings real and complete confusion over everything things that felt normal and id never normally notice I am now and questioning!Like is life just all about shopping etc!? Then I freak out! And things like old people like I was at hospital and I thought I wonder what you do when you get to that age and you know your lifes nearly up! Ahh crazy anxiety!

Has anyone ever felt the same as me!? x

24-07-10, 20:26
i often feel like this its horrible havent found away to stop it jus learning to live with it. i feel your pain not much help i know sorry x

becks xxx
24-07-10, 21:49
Katie i get this alot, hopefully it's a bit of a relief to know your not alone. I had the old people thought yesterday actually when i saw an old man walking along a road! Do you sometimes get thoughts like, 'omg did i really just do that' or 'is this real' ??
Positive self talk really helps.. These strange thoughts just come from sensitized nerves, and these thoughts are all from adrenalin, - adrenalin finding an outlet
So when you get these thoughts, think to yourself "I've got so much more life ahead of me so i won't worry about that, till i get to that age" or things along them lines. Hope i helped a bit x x

25-07-10, 08:30
I have this every time when accumulated stress/anxiety bursts.

I would call it depresonalisation and derealisation, and it is one of the sideeffect of the excessive prolonged anxiety.

Hope you will forget about it bothering you in no time.

26-07-10, 01:36
Yeah I used to get that all the time, really serverly in fact, that feeling i used to dread....

even when i used to have fun, my anxiety used to make me feel as if whats the point, something bad is still going to happen in the future....

Really weird stuff...

But its a common sign of anxiety, thats all, it feels soo real but its not....
by changing your mindset and thinking, your anxiety will go, the best thing is to get into the root cause aswell, that can be really effective by knowing what the root cause is....

I suffered from anxiety for many years, but finally got over it, its been 2 years my anxiey has gone...

I recommend this free powerful tool I used, that really has changed my life, you can actually get over it by weeks...

some say it only took them days until they began to see results....

try it out for yourself it may help you...

click on the link below to get FREE instant access...

hope it helps :)