View Full Version : Strange panic attacks

24-07-10, 19:16
Has anybody suffered strange panics over a period of months? I seem to almost bring a bit of a cold and blocked nose and feel suffocated and feel if I keep hyperventilating I will pass out as I gasp through my nose for air..it eventually clears after 30 mins.

I also get depersonalization along with it. Places I've known for years feel weird, like a dark horrible movie, like I'm not part of it and the people around me are aliens. Old places seem new and I feel an overwhelming sensation of what I'm doing on the planet or I end up worry I will get lost. I've had it other a period of months and it comes and goes...not as intense as it was but I still hate it when it comes.

Some days I feel Ill and pains everywhere but it passes when my mind is off it, worse with less sleep..

Is it all normal?

24-07-10, 23:16
i ave felt like this a few times but never new how to try and explain it but seeing as all over this site people try to explain how they are feeling and no matter how you word it there is always some one on here that knows what your saying such a great site for us suffers xx

26-07-10, 01:26
Im not sure about the blocked nose, that probably a little cold....

but the rest is common symptoms of anxiety, the feeling that everything around you is either strange or unreal....

Some people even thin its weird that they have organs, others feel as if they are like dogs or cats....

strand sensations you get with anxiety, but completely normal, its only to continue the process of fear...

I used to suffer from anxiety for many years, and finally got over it when I changed my thinking, because anxiety all starts with the mind....

By changing your mind you will able to change your life around....

check a FREE powerful tool I used to change my life aroung and gor rid of my anxiety...

click the link below...

Hope it helps you :)

01-08-10, 23:04
Hi Phil,

My derealisation is extremely difficult to deal with, but kind of similar to what youre saying. I look at familiar every day items and they can look completely alien to me, like I am seeing them for the first time. I also look around places and wonder how and why I'm here and how do I know how to get there or back home. Its the worst part of anxiety I have to deal with but I try my best to remind myself that its my anxiety making me feel like that and it will soon pass. Its hard when i'm really anxious, but the feelings do subside and I try to remind myslef of this when I feel low. I try to distract myself from these thoughts/feelings by reading or some other kind of technique.

I just hope that you know that you're not alone and that there are many people on here who have unique symptoms to their anxiety/depression. People like us who suffer from anxiety/depression see the world in such unusual ways because we care so much and over analyse everything.

Take care :hugs:

09-09-10, 21:46
After periods of less anxiety I can spot these strange panic attacks coming on..rather than the usual panic it starts like this:

I suddenly start to hyperventilate at any random time, feel weak, balance is off, ringing ears, nose can get blocked, distant and soon I feel run down, worried and ill from these symptoms. If I get up earlier I get less anxiety..but I'm stuck with random attacks at the moment. Also get the usual "feel I'm going mad" at times from it. It all comes down to adrenaline I duno where it comes from..everything in life makes me feel quite jumpy at times right now. Another symptom I get is a tired, heavy feeling in my eyes or like something is in it.

But when I am now less anxious I can see how it affects me. I can be ok then I get this mixture of panic and intense fear which leaves me feeling run down. So maybe now I have to accept it..some how lose the fear and that may get rid of many of these symptoms? Keep going out places and stuff?