View Full Version : Sensations of Anxiety. Familiar?

24-07-10, 20:31
With anxiety comes a whole host of symptoms, from these symptoms we develop a condition known as somatization - where we believe our complaints stem from physical problems and not our mental composure.

I have found that the best medicine for this condition is communicating with others who also suffer the same problem. It doesn't cost a thing and it works wonders.

Here are some of the sensations I have felt over two years of on and off anxiety.

From the top... Headaches - of every kind. Cold sensation over the head. Flashes in vision. Stiff neck. Pain in neck. Niggles in neck. Ear clicking, clogged. Palpitations. Tight chest. Feeling of weakness in chest. Stabbing pain in sides. Shallow breathing. Upon climbing a mountain, I experienced very tight numb tingling in both arms and face - hyperventilation - even though breathing didn't seem fast. Stomach pains. Gassiness. Pain in back. Pain in shoulders. Pain in arms. Muscular tightness in arms. Shaking, all over body. Pain in legs. Dull aches, sharp pains.

Hopefully you can find some peace of mind knowing that you are not alone and that these symptoms are experienced by all from time to time.

I do recommend that everyone get the tests done that they feel are necessary, such as MRI or ECG but once peace of mind has been found try not to unsettle the dust and worry again.

Over the course of my anxiety I have had MRIs CTs and all have come up negative. I've seen consultants of neurology and cardiology and both assure me I am fine. I have had doctors bet their lives (not literally) on my well being.

All this being said . . . reading a few paragraphs sometimes isn't enough. As soon as you've stopped reading you will eventually start feeling those sensations that make you worry.

You just need to take responsibility of yourself and realise that in all the efforts to ensure you have good health for life, you are not living to your full potential. Things are being put on hold etc..

I recommend you make the doctors appointments or go to the hospital. See a medical professional. Don't convey anxiety but tell them your concern, lay it on heavy. Make them work. When they check you over and send you out the door, have a think, rest up and make arrangements. Call some friends or arrange to get out walking, cycling or swimming. Just a little every day. Work yourselves into routines. Don't sit up tense, realise when you are tense, practise relaxing. How are you holding yourself? Neck tense, muscles tight? Relax, go limp. Is your tongue pressing against the roof of your mouth? Relax it.

Stop worrying about your health. I mean, eat healthy and take care but don't over do it.

Go out and have a laugh, throw yourself around, wrestle a Bengal tiger!

I was all but over my anxiety until a concussion in January triggered it again. I could curse the circumstances but its putting me to the test again.

Be realistic, set goals and I'm sure we will stabilise the anxiety issues for Christmas.

If anyone can relate, do reply . . . like I say, it helps to communicate.

S'all good.

24-07-10, 21:01
Wise words.... and yep, the tongue was pressed firmly to roof of mouth! Good luck beating the anxiety, if you've done it once you know you can do it again x