View Full Version : Anyone had an Echo or treadmill test?

24-07-10, 21:11
Hi all

I have to have an echo and treadmill test soon as part of my constant worrying about my heart (ECGs were all fine but this is to show me nothing is wrong).

I have no idea what to expect of either, can anyone tell me what happens at these procedures and how long you have to wait for the results etc?

I'm a little worried about them. Especially the treadmill test as I am really unfit. And when I exercise and then stop my heart speeds up! I'm not sure if that's normal?

24-07-10, 21:31

Ive had an echo. Just an ultra sound scan. They'll get you to lay on a bed, with a hospital apron thing. Then they will scan various areas of your heart. On me, they looked down on it from my throat. and under neath by my tummy. and then by ribs and all around, u do hear it. She kept the noise low though as she knew i was anxious. It sounds so strange! Its ok and very very interesting to see. Honestly nothing to worry about. Altho i was very frightened but its totaly fine. xx

24-07-10, 21:36
They said it would be like when I had a scan when I was pregnant but it would be my heart and not a baby lol. I'm quite nervous about it. I had to cancel and rearrange the other day and have been anxious ever since.

24-07-10, 22:07
I had both in May

It is more embarrassing for women of course as you need to take your bra off for the echo but you can keep it on for the treadmill test and ask for a gown to cover you up whilst you do the walking test.

It is a bit painful at times (the echo that is) as they have to press really hard into the ribs and around that area where the heart is and I found it a bit painful but nothing too major.

I am unfit too and managed 11 minutes on the treadmill - it was hard work though! They montor your heart and blood pressure whilst you do it.

I had to chase up for a follow up appointment and only got it this week so over 2 months later !

24-07-10, 22:12
I saw your post Nicola, sorry about your results, hope they manage to sort you out.

Stupid question but what do you wear for the treadmill test? Do I take trainers etc as I don't own any lol. Didn't say anything in my letter.

I'm really worried about them to be honest. I thought they would reassure me as they are only doing them to make me feel better about my normal ECG result but instead I;m worrying myself that an abnormality will show that didn't on the ECG.

24-07-10, 22:46
Thanks Dodo

Of course you are different as you have not had a heart attack.

I wore tracksuit bottoms and trainers as you need some comfy shoes to wallk in. Do you have any flat shoes you can wear?

I had abnormalities on the ECG hence the tests so please be reassured that if the ECG is clear it is unlikely they will find anything else wrong.

24-07-10, 23:02
Thanks for the advice Nicola, that's reasurring (for me at least). Gosh I'm really unprepared lol. Yes I have some plimsolly type shoes which I could take. It'll have to be them.

24-07-10, 23:04
11 mins Nicola that's good - that's what I managed and I'm 28.

Can I asked what caused your heart attack, did anxiety play a part?

24-07-10, 23:13
Skippy - the docs will not commit to anything but I have Crohn's disease and was in the middle of a major flare up at the time with a lot of pus in my abdomen from abcesses on the bowel. My CRP was 434 - the normal level is less than 10.

I asked a heart doctor who comes on here (RLR) and he said that having a high CRP could have quite easily caused the heart attack.

My Crohn's consultant agrees that the stress of the flare up caused the heart attack but the cardiologists will not commit to anything and said it was "lifestyle issues" that caused it.

By this they mean such things as smoking, drinking alcohol, being overweight, unfit etc etc.

We will never know I guess but it was too much of a coincidence to be honest.

I was very ill with the Crohn's (it nearly killed me at one point) and the abcesses were draining for 7 months from my abdomen and I was off work 9.5 months in total.

I was very very unlucky and now the heart is in bad shape (weak and enlarged) but I am remaining positive that I can still lead a normal life if I look after myself

24-07-10, 23:17
Just to add to this whilst I remember...

I asked whether stress/anxiety/panic attacks could lead to a heart attack and they said categorically NO!

It is the things we do when we are stressed that causes the problems - i.e we drink more, we smoke more, we eat more, we get lazy and don't exercise etc but stress does not cause heart attacks.

This is something that the British Heart Foundation also confirm

24-07-10, 23:17
Aw Nicola that sounds very tough. I hope you get some good luck X

24-07-10, 23:20
Thanks Dodo - I didn't want to invade your thread but wanted to try and explain what the tests involve and try and reassure you somewhat.

Just to add about the treadmill test - they start it very slow and on a level and then they gradually increase the pace and the incline so you are kind of walking faster up a hill.

You just do as much as you can and they will stop it when they think you have reached your limit.

25-07-10, 09:12
Not at all, you helped a lot, TY.

I don't think it'll take them long to get me to my limit since I get out of breath going up the stairs!

25-07-10, 14:58
Wow, very useful info Nic, and dodo.

Appreciated allot.

I hope Dodo will pass the walking test and

I had heart ultrasound 4,5 years ago. I dont know what was that for, but I think I was agreening to any test at that point - cause i needed to know what is it that is wrong with me. I remember one thing rom this ultrasound - there was a number like a rating they gave me after - which was 70-or 75 at that point, which apparently was ok.

I didnt check since then.

margaret jones
25-07-10, 17:10
Hi I had a echo done in the cardio clinic when i had a outpatients app so no waiting it was a little uncomfortable owing to pressure a little around breast area but nothing major.i was told the results that day turns out i have a heart murmur which apparently are very commom , I also did the treadmill thing was ok and they will stop if you are unable to cope . You will be fine Maggie xxx

25-07-10, 17:56
Hi Dodo,

Please PLEASE dont worry about your echo. I had one about two months ago and it was FINE! Seriously I hate hospitals and doctors and anything medical and I have been more panicked at my GP's than I was at having this! It doesnt hurt at all, believe me I hate any sort of pain and would be the first person to tell you if it did! its uncomfortable, but it doesnt cause any pain. I was in and out in about 15 mins, maybe quicker. The person doing it asked if I was anxious when I was having it because my heart was beating so fast, and I could hear it too which did make my heart beat even faster but thats to be expected! It will be ok so please dont stress it, good luck & let us know how you get on x

also sorry to hear about your not being well Nicola, wishing you a speedy recovery, get well soon xXx

04-08-10, 22:27
Hi guys

I just thought I'd let you know if you are interested that I had my echo and treadmill today. They aren't supposed to give you your result, so unofficially they were both normal. They said they didn't see anything that concerned them.

So that's good news, and I am going to have to convince myself now that everything is normal and ok.

Treadmill was very hard going for a unfit person like me, but the girl doing it said that she had seen some people who didn't even last 20 seconds! So my 10 minutes was good going ;)

05-08-10, 21:49
Hey dodo, well done, thats VERY GOOD (unoficial) news! but it would be more than their jobs worth to tell you everything was fine if it wasnt Im sure. So looks like you can now begin to start moving on with positivity. Ok you might be a little unfit, much like me!, but all your physical symptoms were from anxiety. Its going to be hard convincing yourself of this, I know because I am in the process of doing it, but we have to keep trying hard. Im sure after this news you'll start to feel much better with everything and hopefully your health anxiety will ease. X