View Full Version : From one catastrophe to the next...and back again!

24-07-10, 23:48
Does anyone else find that every day they experience a sensation that at the time you are convinced is catastrophic in some way?

To give you some examples of my last few days,

Heart palpitations/runs of skipped/fast beats - sudden death

Chest aches, pains and twinges - heart attack

Shooting head pains - aneurysm, stroke, tumour

Shortness of breath - collapsed lung, pulmonary edema, heart attack, lung cancer

Heartburn/upper stomach pains - stomach cancer.

For everything else in life I'm reasonable and intelligent - for my health I don't reason, I jump to conclusions and I catastrophise.

When I'm having the shooting head pains im not having the chest pains, and vice versa.

Could it REALLY all be anxiety? Could this be why I feel ill with something or other MOST of the time?

I can't break the cycle. I keep thinking I have done but then relapse.

27-07-10, 09:22
Hi skippy

This one is a resounding YES from me. I'm actually a very rational person, even when faced with crappy situations. I do quite a stressful job in the NHS and am also a senior trade union rep. I'm bright enough to have got a masters degree, so there can't be too much wrong with my brain :wacko:

However, there are two things that set me off:

a) being put in situations that I feel I have no control over (the main things here are when my soon-to-be ex-husband or my partner's mad ex-wife cause major problems, as theyhave been doing lately)
b) stuff to do with my health

Faced with one of these, I can become completely irrational. It makes me so angry as I know for most of my life, I can just deal with things. Like you, I have periods when I can conquer it, and then relapse again.

Both of these

27-07-10, 09:37
Me too!! I could have written your post as I have felt all those symptoms and have been certain that I must have almost every type of disease and illness known to man!!! You are right in saying that it is like a cycle...a vicious one at that.

27-07-10, 10:38
Oh yes very much me too, seems that I get one thing placed neatly under my belt and then bang there is another thing jumping out at me.

Blueangel said it all really, it does tend to be things that are out of my control. I am forever saying I can work on me but I cannot predict or prevent others behaviour and yet I am sometimes blamed for it...

Think life is like that for most people..good days bad days getting out the wrong side of the bed etc.... we adapt ourselves to this and determination keeps us looking for resolutions to be practical and realistic unfortunately as much as we do this we absolutely cannot control everything and therefore we are open to the unexpected and others behaviour ...damn why can't I be rich I'd buy a really rural home and have a swimming pool, gym and work from home... I would have a 3mile footpath to the door with a sign saying unless its really important then don't bother me.. ha ha ..

its funny really because I am so laid back all I want is a peaceful life, with people that are decent and who care.... I don't tend to bother others and I wish they would do likewise for me ha ha ...