View Full Version : Pregnant and suffering with anxiety and panic

25-07-10, 00:23
Hi all am just wondering if there was any other ladies who are pregnant and suffering with anxiety and panic? Im currently 24 weeks and feeling anxiuos everyday. Im a single mum of two already. My symptoms are chest pain at times or chest discomfort. This symptom cause me the most stress as anything to do with my heart etc sends me of on one! Ihaving the racing heart beats but can sometimes control them. Im just in constant fear about anxiety all the time.

25-07-10, 02:24
hi mistykell,

i gave birth just over a week ago and was getting lots of heart palps in the pregnancy. i was told its very common. so pls try not to fret too much. its all very normal. i was worried i had a heart condition without knowing it, but ive been told this is not possible. i still get chest pain but have to remind myself its probably just heartburn.

i suffer also with anxiety and would just keep doing things to help calm me down, stay home if i needed, have a bath, shower, watch a funny movie, anything to help keep bub and me relaxed.

good luck!

25-07-10, 04:06
Hi. If you can control the heartbeats at times, then I think they are most likely to be from anxiety or heartburn. Do try to rest and relax all you can and if you have any worries at all tell your midwife - they've heard it all before!