View Full Version : I fear sickness... I am always stressed out HELP!

25-07-10, 00:50
Hi everyone,
I am an emetophobic (fear of sickness) and everyday of my life I make myself think that I am sick, it makes me so stressed and un-happy, I question my life all the time and I really don't want to. Sometimes I just can't deal with it at all. I feel so alone, no body knows about this fear and anxiety of mine. I just need someone to talk to me... this isn't normal. I wish I could just live like all the other 16 year olds out there and not worry about this.
Is anybody else suffering like this? I tried so hard to stop this behaviour of mine, but it was so difficult, it is hard not thinking about something, that i think about everyday!
Anybody care to just chat with me and help me to calm down.
Thank you and God Bless.

25-07-10, 06:09
Hi hun! My cousin was exactly the same as you when she was round about your age, she lived in fear that she or someone else would be sick and she would question everything she or anyone else did incase it made them sick. She was terrified of vomit and would freak out if any of u ever did. I used to try and presuade her to visit the GP to sort her problem out but she never saw it as her problem, therefore she never did go to the gp. You are different though, you can see that it is affecting your life and you are aware that this poses a problem for you. Have you spoken to your GP? if not then you should do do. Eventually my cousin overcame her fear (although not totally cured) but this did not happen until after she had her baby 6 years ago. She suffered for 25 years, do you really want this for yourself? You will find that your GP will have ways of dealing with your fears x

25-07-10, 06:37
Hey pinkpiglet... thanks for the advice. No, I don't want to be like this for 25 years or more, so I really should do something about it. Thanks heaps :) xoxxo have a good day:D