View Full Version : Paranoid!!!!

25-07-10, 03:04
Hello everyone

I'm presuming that this isn't an unfamiliar topic with some of you out there, but i'm just wondering how paranoia can/does affect you...

It's stupid, I know, but there's been occasions where I've heard a snippet of a conversation between people which sounded quite derogatory, so I automatically jumped to the conclusion that, naturally, they were talking about me!!!

It's even worse when I hear people laughting when I'm around - I can see no other explanation other than that they're laughing at me!!!!

Anyone else get this???

All the best


25-07-10, 03:29
It's called lack of self confidence. Many of us feel that way. Have you seen the TV ad where it looks like a man is pushing a lady over to grab her bag, but really he's saving her from something falling on her head? Things aren't always the way they seem!

25-07-10, 03:39
Just another one you could add although there are probably others, is sensitivity - a fear of what others are thinking or saying about us because anxiety makes us self-conscious. Just like when going into a shop, you feel everyone is staring at you because you feel so anxious when in fact they're not giving you a second thought because they're too busy going about their own shopping. It's just that anxiety makes us worry about anything and everything we hear and see that we can connect to our fears which in turn drive our anxious feelings.:)

25-07-10, 18:05
I am totally the same. If I walk past a group in town and they are laughing and one happens to glance at me I am sure it's me they are laughing at. I am very paranoid about this and have very low confidence. I try telling myself I don't care either way but the truth is I do.

26-07-10, 01:53
Try practising saying to yourself they must be sharing a joke but you gained the attention of one of them because he must have thought you were very attractive and couldn't resist looking at your beauty. You may not believe it yourself "yet" but I wouldn't mind betting that's what he would be thinking and if asked, I bet that's what he'd say because it was the truth!!!:winks::)

26-07-10, 18:25
This is me too. Whenever I over hear mumbled gossip I automatically think it is about me. Same with hearing someone complaining about someone or something going wrong at work. I always think it is about me or my fault. I also sometimes feel like people are looking at me in the street. It's extreme self consciousness and lack of confidence.