View Full Version : Bathroom Problem (dark foamy urine) help...

25-07-10, 05:52
I have managed to work myself up to a tizzy again.. :(

For the past year or two, I have had pretty dark urine at times.. Especially after anxiety issues.. Now, for the last few months, really foamy too. I should not have searched Foamy urine online.. :( Now I am scared to death..

I just had a ton of blood work done about a month ago, and the tested for just about everything. Everything came out good in the blood tests. I told my dr. about the foamy urine, and she was not concerned. I take a PPI in the morning, one a day vitamin and fish oil daily. That is all. Now I think that I have some kind of kidney disease or something. If I am dehydrated a bit, it is really dark. But normally, it is too dark for me to see it as normal, and root beer type foam. I can drink a lot of fluids, and the foam will not really go away. Can any of those things I am taking cause it? Can adrenaline cause it?

I am really worried now... :(

25-07-10, 06:43

Normally I would think its just dehydration, I would try and drink 1,5 l of pure water per day for couple of days and see then if it changes.

25-07-10, 07:38
That is what I was hoping too.. I have been drinking quite a bit of fluids, but it has been over a 100 degrees for a while. Would low on fluids also make wee so foamy?

25-07-10, 08:19
Sure, it gives it all sorts, You need to give it few days, and try not to look in the toilet for a day or so, or you will not know the difference if you keep looking. Watermelon also very good for the clean up.

But drink fluids gradually throught the day not at once, these 1,5 litres or should not be drank instantly mind.

25-07-10, 09:06
I know Cranberry juice can help with some urine problems because of the anti-oxidants. I don't know if it'll cure your problem but I guess it's no harm to try it.

25-07-10, 09:26
Not sure about the foam tbh but the darness certainly sounds like you're not drinking enough. And the cranberry juice is also a good tip.

Might be best just collecting a sample in a bottle and nipping in to see your GP. They can there just dip a stick in it and see what's what. Might be a small infection.

25-07-10, 16:53
I decided this morning, to stop taking everything.. fish oil and vitamins, etc. Then give it a day or so and see what happens. The problem I have is that I often have a poor memory during anxiety times. i know that it has been foamy since at least April, because of my journal. But I cannot remember when it actually started or if there was some kind of change then, in what I was taking. I will definitely take the advice, and try to hydrate more. I was hoping someone would have experience with it and fish oil. But I might have been hoping too much. I do appreciate the advice alot!

My Wife thinks that if there was something wrong with my kidneys or liver, they would have seen it in my blood work test battery. They tested everything, and was looking for arthritis. didn't find anything. I guess she is probably right, and i have to try to relax. I now know that I have Fibromyalga, (which I can't spell) recently diagnosed, and I have been having pain right in my joints, elbows and knees. I thought Fibro was muscle pain, and that my joint pain could be caused by my kidney or liver problems. Now I am not sure what is going on.

26-07-10, 14:40
drank lots of water all day yesterday. Color is almost clear, through this morning also. But the foam is still there.. :( appears to be less, but there. I haven't taken anything since Saturday morning. Is there anyone who has had foam for a long time? Months? I can't help thinking the worst, that my kidneys are going to be failing.

26-07-10, 18:45
I don't know what it is tbh but like I said in my pp, it won't take a Dr two minutes to test the sample if you collect one prior to going in. This can be cleared up for you then and you won't have to worry any more.

26-07-10, 22:33
I may have too. I was just looking for anyone with experience in this area, before I shelled out all the money for the testing. If someone had foam for years with no problems, etc.

Thumb said for a few day, so I will continue on with the water too..

27-07-10, 06:39

let us know how is it going. But I wouldnt worry too much even if you go to the doctors later, its only a check up, and almost likely there is nothing wrong with you its just fir the peace of mind.

Take care

12-01-12, 18:57
Hi Cinny,

I've just reached this page (and registered) because I am having the same issue and googled it.

I have had foamy urine for quite a while. Who knows when it started but I think I first noticed it upwards of 18 months ago. It is foamy every day, less so when my urine is very diluted, but there is still foam there.

I have had numerous dip-stick tests which have all been clear. The doctors I have seen don't see this as a big deal but I can't help but let my mind wander as I don't have an explanation for the foam.

Did you ever get anywhere with this issue? Any input would be greatly appreciated.


12-01-12, 19:55
actually no. My dr. didn't seem too concerned about it either. So I just keep plugging along with it.. Sometime it is not there, sometimes worse. If I keep my fluids up, seems to be less. But I just carry on with it, and try not to worry about it. Dr.s don't, so I figured out I shouldn't either.. If you have tested and dr.s don't seem concerned, I would move on too.. :)

13-01-12, 02:32
I know it might seem a silly question but do you stand up when you wee? If the stream is hitting the water hard then it may be foaming up. Have you guys tried sitting down to wee? Does it have the same effect?

Just giving you some food for thought there.

13-01-12, 18:08
actually no. My dr. didn't seem too concerned about it either. So I just keep plugging along with it.. Sometime it is not there, sometimes worse. If I keep my fluids up, seems to be less. But I just carry on with it, and try not to worry about it. Dr.s don't, so I figured out I shouldn't either.. If you have tested and dr.s don't seem concerned, I would move on too.. :)

Thanks for the swift response Cinny. I think you're right if I'm honest.:)

I know it might seem a silly question but do you stand up when you wee? If the stream is hitting the water hard then it may be foaming up. Have you guys tried sitting down to wee? Does it have the same effect?

Just giving you some food for thought there.

It is certainly less if I sit down, almost clear actually, but there is usually still a small quantity of foam. Thanks for the input.

03-05-12, 10:53
Hi Cinny

Sounds like you have similar concerns to me! I am terrified as well that I have an acute kidney failure.

And my doctor just keeps focusing on the anxiety when I try and talk about the physical symptoms. I have just done the NHS symptom checker and a callback as don't feel I can go to my GP with this as been running there all the time with this panic.

The advisor wasn't very helpful (I think when you mention anxiety/panic they kind of discount a lot of stuff) although my nerves calmed down a bit.

Apparently foamy urine is usually excess protein (eating a lot of protein foods like chicken and fish would have an effect).

02-06-12, 17:36
Apparently foamy urine is usually excess protein (eating a lot of protein foods like chicken and fish would have an effect).
I guess I eat a lot of cheese which may cause such a thing, but I still don't really understand why this would not show up on a urine test.

Has anyone made any progress on understanding this? My urine remains very foamy/frothy and I think I will put another urine sample in for testing soon to see if anything can be found.

02-06-12, 17:53
This may be a stupid question but are you sure you don't have a slow release toilet cleaning tablet in the loo, or that the person who used the toilet before you didn't clean it with any chemicals? That would seem the most obvious reason for the foam.

02-06-12, 18:03
I used to worry myself silly about foamy, dark or cloudy urine. Dark or cloudy urine usually means that you are dehydrated. The more concentrated, i.e. darker it is the more foamy it is likely to be.

Foaminess is not a reliable indicator of kidney failure. Those routine blood tests you recently had that were all negative will certainly have included liver and kidney function tests. They are much more reliable.

Also, as has been said, slow-release detergents will cause foam to appear.

30-10-13, 23:36
Sorry to bring up an old thread but I still worry about this!

Foaminess is not a reliable indicator of kidney failure.
I think you're right and I think the only reason I am worked up is because 'the internet' says foamy pee and kidney problems go hand in hand. I've spoken to numerous GPs about this though and they've all brushed this off. One even said that there is no recognised condition he'd associate with foamy urine.

The fact remains, however, that I worry, probably just because it seems strange for urine to be so foamy for me when that isn't the case for most people.

For the record, I had a blood and urine test earlier this year and both were fine. Given how long I've had foamy urine and I'm still passing these tests, I should stop worrying about it on general principle. Hopefully that's where CBT can help.:blush:

31-10-13, 00:03
'the internet' says foamy pee and kidney problems go hand in hand. I've spoken to numerous GPs about this though and they've all brushed this off..... it seems strange for urine to be so foamy for me when that isn't the case for most people.

For the record, I had a blood and urine test earlier this year and both were fine. Given how long I've had foamy urine and I'm still passing these tests, I should stop worrying about it on general principle. Hopefully that's where CBT can help.:blush:

Glad to see CBT is helping. I read through the post and thought about it as I never paid much attention to my pee pee to be honest ;) Do you think it could be so simple as whether you're peeing directly into the water as opposed to the side of the potty?
Hmmmm. ;)

31-10-13, 21:13
Have you been tested for diabetice I had something like that before I got diagnosed

31-10-13, 21:25
I had kidney worries after I had bloods showing problems and then a week later bloods which were back to "normal". Docs blamed a virus in the end but it was quite unusual so with the HA it wasn't good.

But as I also have reoccurring lower back pain I often think, oh dear is this the kidney thing again.. or is it just back pain which I wouldn't get anxiety over.

Rather than suffer anxiety for no reason or endlessly bother the doc I bought the urine test stripes the nhs use (they are cheap online) and just test myself if I'm worried. Then I can drop it mentally or if ever needed go to the doc.

I of course then move onto other HA but at least puts the kidney thing to rest for me.

03-11-13, 19:11
It's funny, this thread highlights where my HA came from. My father had advanced renal cancer when he was my age (he is 64 now) and learning this recently left me convinced I had kidney problems.

Since then I too have started (although not so much now) checking my urine and I have to say that it does bubble up when I aim straight for the water. Occasionally I convince myself that this is as a result of protein (it has been a long while since I had my urine tested), but most often I manage to rationalise that:

A) it doesn't happen when I aim for the porcelain, and I think that whatever reaction that protein creates to create foam is unlikely to be 'impact reliant' and is most likely a chemical reaction with air and water which would happen anyway. And

B) have you tried mixing any liquid with water? Pour a coffee it foams, pour some cordial it foams, suggesting to me that any form of non water substance has a reaction of sorts.

This anxiety still gets me though. Funny though, although I have felt tempted I have resisted buying urine strips. I just think it has the potential to keep the obsession going. I might mention it to the GP when I go next but in the meantime I am working on the basis that a recent blood test which included kidney function ought to be a reasonable indicator.

03-11-13, 19:18
[QUOTE=cpe1978;1237952A) it doesn't happen when I aim for the porcelain, and I think that whatever reaction that protein creates to create foam is unlikely to be 'impact reliant' and is most likely a chemical reaction with air and water which would happen anyway. [/QUOTE]

That was my inkling ;)

03-11-13, 19:23
That was my inkling ;)

Or more topically 'tinkling' :winks:

03-11-13, 19:45
Or more topically 'tinkling' :winks:

Between the pee and poo threads I do get a chuckle or two ;)

11-01-14, 20:07
Hi all.

Just wanted to update this thread. A few days ago I had bloods taken and a urine sample checked with a dipstick. I won't get the blood results for a few days yet but the urine showed absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

I've started trying to avoid my safety behaviour of sitting down to pee. Standing up means much more bubbles / foam is generated and it really gets to me, but avoiding it has not helped so the time has come to try to accept this as something slightly different about me that is benign and not a concern.

On occasion I can produce perhaps an inch of foam in the toilet that takes a long while to dissipate. It's hard not to worry but I need to start trusting the blood and urine results and get on with living my life without undue worry.:)

Hope you're all well.

11-01-14, 20:51
Sam I really wouldn't worry. I am in exactly the same boat even as far as safety behaviour is concerned. I too had a urine test some weeks ago and it was clean as a whistle.

I won't even go into the things I did to reassure myself when I was feeling most anxious about it. However one thing that I did notice is just how little you have to add to water to make it foam. So for instance if you fill a glass of cordial really slowly then it foams. When you think that urine is essentially your body's toxins it makes sense. I notice it more when I am dehydrated which also makes sense.

So try and put it out of your mind and it does get better.

11-01-14, 21:37
Thanks for the reply, it's very much appreciated.:)

01-03-15, 15:51
For anyone in a similar position, I thought I would update this thread again.

I'm still producing foam every single trip to the toilet. Perhaps the foam production is increasing, perhaps not. It's hard to say as I still use my safety behaviour of sitting down to urinate.

Not too long back I had bloods and urine tests for an unrelated reason and yet again, they both came back OK.

So in conclusion, the situation remains much the same. I would expect that if this were something catastrophic, it would surely be showing up on urine or blood tests by now as it's been happening for many years.

Hopefully anyone in a similar quandary can take some solace from this. I suppose I should do the same myself!:D

I'll continue to update this thread if anything changes.

01-03-15, 17:25
Just an idea to think about....

My husband also has foamy urine. Has anyone ever mentioned IGA Nethropathy? (Don't be scared!) it's just the only way that can be diagnosed is through a kidney biopsy.
My husband had very dark wee (like black tea) when he was suffering from the flu and he ended up in hospital. The dark colour was due to blood (and protein) in the urine....have they mentioned this at all? If it's been dipped and there's not then it probably wouldn't be IGAN.

When my hubby was in hospital, all the tests were coming back ok and then a new doctor came on shift and had heard of IGAN, so he tested for it.... Obviously it came back positive. That was 14 years ago and he has been completely well since (so again, don't panic, and he takes Ramipril everyday which helps keep the BP down and also stops so much protein leaking into the urine.
*IGA Nethtropathy is when the immune system attacks the kidney when it is fighting off certain illnesses....strep viruses in particular.

I wish you luck and hope all is sorted before long xxx

24-07-16, 15:17
For anyone who may be following this or come across it during an internet search...small update from me.

I recently had another blood and urine test as I was feeling under the weather. As usual, it showed everything to be completely normal. It's still a source of anxiety if I think about it, but year after year, the evidence grows that I should just ignore it!

I hope this provides a measure of comfort for anyone else who has frothy urine and is worried despite finding no answer. Perhaps it's just more prone in some people.

08-07-19, 13:51
*Picking up this thread after searching on internet about my symptoms *

Hey @sam001 I am in the same situation from past 12-18 months. And whenever i see my wee in the pot i get scared. Its foamy all the time, when i drink more water it is less foamy. All results are normal.

How is it going with you?

08-07-19, 14:02
The OP hasn't been on for three years. I believe we can safely assume he's fine.

Positive thoughts

08-07-19, 18:51
I am still here.. lol. I do still have it at times, especially when I do not drink water like I should. But I just haven't worried about it as much. My HA ebbs and wanes, and I do notice that it is darker/odor when I am going through more anxious times. I believe it is due to adrenaline pumping. The forever chain reaction of stress causing issues, that cause stress, that causes issues, then we notice it, then we harp on it, which causes stress, an on and on. But I am still here, and am doing well after all these years. :) You said yourself all results are normal Vin001. Take a breath and say that same phrase out loud. Then do yourself a really big favor, and don't search on the internet. If you wanna kill time, search this forum, and find another 5000 recommendations from other people that are still living for years and years after google said they were doomed.. They will tell you the same thing, that doing self diagnosis on the internet is never a good idea.

04-08-19, 08:53
I am still here.. lol. I do still have it at times, especially when I do not drink water like I should. But I just haven't worried about it as much. My HA ebbs and wanes, and I do notice that it is darker/odor when I am going through more anxious times. I believe it is due to adrenaline pumping. The forever chain reaction of stress causing issues, that cause stress, that causes issues, then we notice it, then we harp on it, which causes stress, an on and on. But I am still here, and am doing well after all these years. :) You said yourself all results are normal Vin001. Take a breath and say that same phrase out loud. Then do yourself a really big favor, and don't search on the internet. If you wanna kill time, search this forum, and find another 5000 recommendations from other people that are still living for years and years after google said they were doomed.. They will tell you the same thing, that doing self diagnosis on the internet is never a good idea.

I have sent you PM

22-08-20, 16:09
I have sent you PM I have the same issue for 2 years and really worried about it.
All my urine and blood test was normal
I think I may have anxiety issue