View Full Version : My doctor says stop taken Citalopram

25-07-10, 13:10
Hi guys what do you think.
as most of you know iv been prescribed 10mg dose.for very very mild anxiety .
i myself felt fine without tablet help.so now its been two weeks and as you know i still find these side efects are controling my life,in a way that i wake up thinking about the side efects and my day is consumed with cheacking out my emotions and feelings,,,but this is just the side efects not my real state of mind...
Anyway since being on these tablets i cant sleep and concerntrate or have a normal day ,as i did before the tablets..and are fed up with feeling like this ,i feel like a different person ,but in a bad way,,im not happy im depressed im angrea and not slepping etc etc etc.but this is the side efects not my norm befre tablets self..
so i spoke to my pharmacist told him all about this , and said these side efects should not be present at this time as they are ..only for a few days or a week on this kind of small dose that im on..and that they do not work for everyone and, altough they are very good for most people there not good for all,and im prob part of the people it does now suit..he sai feeling this way after 2 wekks is not good for me and that i should stop taken them.He said as iv been takien them for 2 weeks they will not give me any other side efects ,,and after 2 or 3 days they should be out of my system and i should be back to how i was befor the tabletts....
stress free i hope ,,,because thats how i was before...im nurvouse about this just because i feel like the way i am at this time is real .... i know everyone says give it more time and i will bennifet from them...but i dont know if i was servier enough to need them to start with...so realy need some advice...i go on my holiday next sat and dont want to feel any other weird symptons or any more shit,,i just want to go back to me before the tablets were given to me ,,where i was going to bed happily every night sleeping and if i woke i wasnt cheaking out my moods or feelings or anything,,...please help with any advice you can guys and thankyou i love you all for being so helpfull...Greg XX

25-07-10, 15:02
Hi Graig,

The sideeffects can last for a different time for different people. They can also be fueled by extra anxiety you produce. I think just try and let it flow and see then.
Sometimes they say the real effect starts within the period of 6 months.

25-07-10, 18:45
Hi Graig I know exactly what you mean ,i was on 20 mgs for 9 days ,stopped them on Tuesday i was getting dangerously depressed on them. I know for the last month i have been going down hill a bit and i should have gone to the doctors sooner ,typical man,. But i was still able to go to work before i started on cit. Yes i know i need help and i know cit helps alot of people but its not for every one.Been off them 4 days now feel much better :) going back to docs tomorrow to see what she says , but going back to work on tuesday. don't know if any off this helps you :shrug: but i do under stand where you are cumming from we still have to listen to what our body is telling us . take care Graig

25-07-10, 20:09
Both the Doctor and my Pharmacist assume all side effects would be gone in a couple of weeks, but from here I realise some can last longer. I can pretty much cope with any of the physical ones, the increased anxiety I don't like, but for me at least the potential benefits outweigh the side effects.

You have to make your own decision though, but would be guided by your feelings and a detailled discussion with your Doctor hon


25-07-10, 22:02
Ohh so hard to decide. Esp as it could be my holiday coming up making me feel more anxious and other stuff. For all i know when i am on hol and when i come back i might be fine and benifit from the cit. I think ill see if i can sleep tonight and see how i feel in the morning and if i feel better i might stick with them , but if i still feel shit then i think its time to back off. Fingers crossed for fait to make its move for me. Thanks guys for all your support i realy appreciate it. X greg