View Full Version : cannot stop and relax and enjoy life...

25-07-10, 14:00
does anyone out there suffer from not being able to sit for long - just cannot relax.....i am oh so exhausted but just cannot stop myself from moving around.....cant seem to read a book.....cant seem to watch a movie....i just want to be able to relax and my mind go blank.
any help would be oh so appreciated xxxx

25-07-10, 14:05
Hi calm

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-07-10, 14:12
I'm like that today, Calm, and often am. Perhaps try not to worry too much about the way you're being...it will pass eventually. I would love to lose myself in a book, sitting in the sun outside but it's just not going to happen for me today. Try to be gentle with yourself...

25-07-10, 14:21
Yep, me too! Cannot keep still, always got a million things to do anyway, running my own business, can never-ever switch off. ARGH!
As agnes says, be gentle on yourself (now if only I could take that advice too!). xx

25-07-10, 15:22
Hi Calm,
I drive my family mad because I seem to be rushing around not achieving much!
I too love reading but can't concentrate enough to read a book or watch a film.
It will pass - don't worry.

25-07-10, 15:28
I was like that all night. So frustrating.
Maybe taking 5 minutes to be alone and quiet each day and slowly increase the amount of 'me' time?

25-07-10, 16:21
guys.....thank you so much for your replies xxxxx sometimes it feels as though my head will burst.....you know what you are all completely right.....i guess we are all hard on ourselves and yes i will try and take 5 minutes to be quite and try and increase.
once again thank you friends xxxx so appreciate each and every comment xxxx

29-07-10, 12:05
I'm like that today, Calm, and often am. Perhaps try not to worry too much about the way you're being...it will pass eventually. I would love to lose myself in a book, sitting in the sun outside but it's just not going to happen for me today. Try to be gentle with yourself...

just read you post again agnes.....thank you ....it is about being gentle with ourselves and not expecting miracles but little steps....thank you xxxx

Vanilla Sky
29-07-10, 12:54
Hi Calm.
Why do you keep putting your posts on the introduce yourself forum :wacko: LOL i keep replying to say hi to you . Try to put it in the relevant forum :)

Love Paige xx

29-07-10, 13:23
i know...i have just learnt how to do this...oh so sorry for my mistake....i have now get what needs to be done.
hi paige...thank you xxxxx
hope you are keeping ok xxxxxx

Vanilla Sky
29-07-10, 17:55
I'm ok thankyou calm . Anyway , welcome to NMP lol
Paige x

30-07-10, 05:53
In our hectic lifestyle, it is often easy to forget and the great image life.Even many of us believe that our life pushes and pulls on us all the time, there is no real life, but we, who continues to make the push and pull.