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25-07-10, 18:04
Ive not long eaten some crisps and now feel as though something lodged in my throat.

I can breath and eat/drink okay. Not choking or anything, but my throat feels like something in back of my throat.

Anyone else get this?? :weep:

25-07-10, 21:12
Hi peter,

How long have you had this feeling? See I've had it for 3 months now! It started to subside and I actually thought it went last week! No such luck :-( it's back today with a vengence. I've been to docs, been ignored, had to fight tooth and nail to get an ENT appointment. Had a camera up my nose and down my throat - with nothing abnormal detected. Was told it maybe LPR (silent reflux) and given a PPI to take twice a day.

Anyway it hasn't really gone and I still suffer daily. I also get neck pain, base of skull pain and shoulder pain. This is only felt on the right side. Does yours feel central or does it affect one side only? I am due to have a Barium Swallow and ultrasound. I keep getting weird right sided headaches and sometimes feel like my head is cold. Not actually cold but just a sensation. Do you or others get this? My throat has been very bothersome today. I have been in floods of tears with it, so I totally sympathise with any who suffer with this

Nina xx

25-07-10, 22:08
CRISPS! Probably walkers or similar? terrible things. it has probably grazed your throat because it wasnt chewed up well. this has happened to me with crisps and crispy bacon and it does fell exactly like the crisp is still there! it will be gone in less than 3 days.

26-07-10, 00:29
hi peter, it could be something called globus hysterica ?, ive had for a while now it comes and goes.....it caused by anxiety and it feels like theres something stuck or a lump in your throat....it is a common symptom of anx, you can read about on here on other threads, so dont worry about it......have a read of them and hopefully u'll feel better :)

Fly away Katie
26-07-10, 05:14
Hello Peter. I also had this earlier with some pasta. Every time I breathed in while eating, I could almost feel it stuck in my throat, although I wasnt choking or anything... It just felt really uncomfly... like there was something there...
It always seems to fade for me after a while.
Warm drinks are great. As is distraction
Hope you feel at ease soon.
Im sure you will, your nopt alone :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-07-10, 08:17
Ive had similar on a couple of occasions. Not exactly a stuck feeling but a strange fullness kind of feeling. I was told that because I have very tight muscle tension in shoulder and neck that it can make the throat feel tight as well.

26-07-10, 10:09
I know I get this at times. I can sleep with my neck funny or move funny and something will pop out in my neck making it excrutiating everytime I swallow. I have to cough like a maniac to get it to go back in and for the pain to stop, it's just the worst pain ever and I haven't a clue what this thing that pops out is (feels like a gland maybe)

26-07-10, 21:24
I have suffered with this on and off for about 3 years. I have suffered anxiety for over 10 years, but this was a new symptom for me 3 years ago. It went away for a long time but is back with a vengance! I keep trying to tell myself that it is just an anxiety symptom (globus hystericus). But other times, I go on a complete downward spiral, thinking its something serious etc. But, really, I do know its anxiety. I totally sympathise with you, but I find it helps to look at the globus hystericus links on here....it's reassuring to read.

Hope your symptoms disappear soon, take care.

26-07-10, 21:42

May be that you have slightly scratched your throat I often get this or a tiny particle is caught but it will clear itself..x

12-09-10, 10:43
Hi, I get this quite a lot, I've had a gastroscopy (not a pleasant experience if you have it done whilst awake) and all checked out normal, the nerves and muscles in our body are very sensitive and can play any amount of tricks on us, especially when we are anxious.

blue moon
12-09-10, 21:58
Hello,I have this feeling of something stuck in my throat,my husband has told me it is due to my anxiety and stress.I still don't believe him,even tho he is a doctor.
Petra x:)

04-08-13, 18:58
Hiya, I began with this situation of feeling like something was right at the back of my throat, and yup, I too was ignored by Doctors, each one saying 'Alfin, you are fine, there is nothing wrong, and if anything, you may have a viral infection'.

At one point, a Nurse checked me over and told me that my Uvula (The weird punch bag thing at the back of your mouth) looked a little swollen and was likely caused by an allergen (and I must admit that at this time there was a super high pollen count on account of a heat wave) I took an antihistamine and yay, it didn't do a thing to help!

At my whits end, and having suffered for days and days with this damn awful sensation, I thought, screw it, I am having a beer or few :yesyes: and the most insane thing happened... The sensation went away, I didn't really notice it at all for the duration of my alcohol fouled good times.

The next day, it returned worse than ever, and today, I went to the walk in centre (it is a Sunday today and so the Doctors are closed, but our local hospital offers a weekend GP Surgery which is fantastic.) The nurse I saw asked me if I suffered at all with anxiety... I resented her insinuation that this was caused by anxiety, but then it occurred to me that I had no issues with this sensation when I had been drinking (alcohol removes anxiety and fear) today, I have taken a Valium (Diazepam 2mg) and to be fair, it is no where near as bad.

In conclusion, this issue (as long as you have ruled out everything else) may actually be caused by nothing more than anxiety, or at the very least, a small viral issue which is worsened by anxiety (everyone seems to imagine that anxiety is all about panic attacks, but it holds so much more, and most if anxiety is actual physical sensations, I.e; Chest Pain, head aches, neck tightness and pain, shoulder pain, arm pain etc...)

Anyway, the Valium seems to have helped greatly, as has looking at it form an anxiety perspective.

09-09-13, 08:42
Hiya, I began with this situation of feeling like something was right at the back of my throat, and yup, I too was ignored by Doctors, each one saying 'Alfin, you are fine, there is nothing wrong, and if anything, you may have a viral infection'.

At one point, a Nurse checked me over and told me that my Uvula (The weird punch bag thing at the back of your mouth) looked a little swollen and was likely caused by an allergen (and I must admit that at this time there was a super high pollen count on account of a heat wave) I took an antihistamine and yay, it didn't do a thing to help!

At my whits end, and having suffered for days and days with this damn awful sensation, I thought, screw it, I am having a beer or few :yesyes: and the most insane thing happened... The sensation went away, I didn't really notice it at all for the duration of my alcohol fouled good times.

The next day, it returned worse than ever, and today, I went to the walk in centre (it is a Sunday today and so the Doctors are closed, but our local hospital offers a weekend GP Surgery which is fantastic.) The nurse I saw asked me if I suffered at all with anxiety... I resented her insinuation that this was caused by anxiety, but then it occurred to me that I had no issues with this sensation when I had been drinking (alcohol removes anxiety and fear) today, I have taken a Valium (Diazepam 2mg) and to be fair, it is no where near as bad.

In conclusion, this issue (as long as you have ruled out everything else) may actually be caused by nothing more than anxiety, or at the very least, a small viral issue which is worsened by anxiety (everyone seems to imagine that anxiety is all about panic attacks, but it holds so much more, and most if anxiety is actual physical sensations, I.e; Chest Pain, head aches, neck tightness and pain, shoulder pain, arm pain etc...)

Anyway, the Valium seems to have helped greatly, as has looking at it form an anxiety perspective.
can i get any meds for the tight throat feelings? or nausea?

27-12-13, 08:47
hi everyone ,
i have had similar symptoms and its horrible .After doing a lot of research on the subject came to a conclusion that the feeling of something being stuck in throat is due to acidity problem (acid reflux) and till such time u will have acid reflux problem u will keep getting this feeling again and again . so the way i have cured my problem is by consuming ginger water.( boil water add few slices of ginger and let the water come to room temperature ) then drink it , keeping doing this everytime you have water . believe you me this cures ur acidity problem and this feeling of something being stuck in throat , no medication helps . try this and do let me know ur feedback .u will not need to go to a doctor again . and yes avoid spicy food oily food to keep ur stomach healthy .

19-06-14, 17:10
Ive not long eaten some crisps and now feel as though something lodged in my throat.

I can breath and eat/drink okay. Not choking or anything, but my throat feels like something in back of my throat.

Anyone else get this?? :weep:
yes,I feel the same thing

29-07-15, 12:38
I've been getting this but it definitely feels more like a phlegmy throat; where my throat just won't seem to relax and let it go down naturally. I've tried nasal sprays and also on PPIs but still haven't got to the bottom of it. I'm seeing ENT for silent reflux and have cut back on any acidic food. Weird though that I had a long weekend away and hardly noticed it at all although I was drinking every day as on holiday abroad on a hen long weekend. Came back as soon as I was home.:mad: Wondering whether to try an anxiety tablet. Also had an ear infection which has not helped and wonder if this is linked to the reflux (or flights) or an infection. It does cause me great anxiety and I've had similar things before (bladder issue, groin pain, coccyx pain) where the more I focus the more it happens then suddenly it is gone. But hard to make that happen. Any advice welcome.

29-07-15, 13:23
I am sure it is just a bit of crisp that has scratched the back of your throat..
but.. it was once explained to me that during anxiety, the reason we get a feeling of tightness in the throat is because during the 'fight or flight' reaction, the body protects its most important areas, and there are lots of them in the neck area, ie the windpipe and food pipe, so the blood vessels swell up in the area around them, in order to protect them! Totally harmless, but that's why we get such a feeling! :)