View Full Version : not copin very well

25-07-10, 21:07
hi all ive had anxiety now for almost 9 months tired 4 months without meds but started to have massive attacks again. I cant not work so had to bite the bullet and take meds again all of the meds ive taken have made me worse im 10 days into my new meds feel like crap all the time but im able to cope just about.

peronaly i dont know if im any better or worse all i know is i feel horrible all the time the only reason i can see life worth carrying on for is my familiy. but for me im pretty much mad it to be honest.

my whole life has been put on hold i have so much i wanna do i want to achive going to the shops aor just doin genreal stuff is s struggle....i was never like this i was a fun outgoing party animal.....well its knocked me for six....ive done cbt all that rubbish

mentally i know its my body ect i just cant cope with it alll :(

i want me back......

Onwards & Upwards
25-07-10, 21:19
Hey Carter

Do you know what triggered your anxiety?

25-07-10, 21:24
what meds are you taking?

25-07-10, 21:54
they said nothing has triggered it if im honest always suffered then but i managed to bounce back after a week or so max. ive been like this for 9 months but just cant bounce back....

tried prozac and clamapram or whatever its call both sent me nuts couldnt leave the house flet like hinding under a chair couldnt keep still crazy mood swings horrible

im on dosulepin now only 25 mg event thou the recommended daily is 75mg anxiety was really bad first three days in. they are leveling out on day 10. but doc now want me to up to 50mg now then up to 75 when i ready.....i a bit reluctant as i feel horrible at the min even on 25mg. basically my expernac with meds is they are horrible.

but gonna give it a try for my familys sake

but im just tired if i had a gun .......

appranetly im really sensative to meds thats the issue..........

25-07-10, 22:08
Set yourself small daily challenges. Even if it's just to the end of the road and back at first.
And take time out for yourself!! Relax, have a bath, read a book, whatever. Just make some time for yourself.
I'd highly recommend the leaflets on Stress which you can download for free from the NMP shop.
Good luck carter. I hope things get better soon.:hugs:

25-07-10, 22:49
na im back to work im doing everything even if it kills me.

im on edge 99% of the day its horrible the problem is i know theres nothing to be bothered about. i get the shakes and everything.

its build up up and up then i get a full blowen attack horrible.

i went without meds purly cause they cloud your thinking, but the attacks got too much to cope with alone.

now ive had to try again for the sake of my family and my job if i have anymore time off i wont have one.

these new drugs have put me on edge so badly but i can deal with em but when i get the attacks i get so so depressed i even scare myself.

the only positive is my tention headaches and shakes have gone but replaced by feeling on edge x100000

26-07-10, 01:00
I had anxiety for a few good years, I know how bad it can get coz ive been there and also got over it...

I recommend a FREE tool that has helped me get over my anxiety, its really powerful and it does work wonders....

click the link below to get access to it....

Hope it helps