View Full Version : Hello, new member who can't cross the road!!

21-02-06, 14:18
Hello, just joined today and thought I should introduce myself. For the past several years I've suffered from a strange "phobia" - I can't cross the road. Things have improved in some ways as, until about 12 months ago, I couldn't walk across any open space unaccompanied. However, if I try to cross all but the narrowest of roads, I am overcome with a feeling of faintness about halfway there. All the typical panic symptoms rush in and I all but pass out, then am left weak and shaking uncontrollably for the next half hour.
I can't take my son to school by myself, which makes me reliant on others (very distressing and very annoying). I can't do anything that involves leaving the house by myself, unless I go by taxi. So, although I can travel hundreds of miles via taxi/train, I am unable to go to my local newsagent, which is a 2-minute walk away[Sigh...]
I used to work in central London and never thought twice about crossing any kind of road. Now I am all but housebound with very little independence. If people phone and I'm not at home, they think I must have fallen downstairs or something:D I'm 38 but feel 98 (though most 98-year-olds could probably get from one side of the road to the other without fainting).
Hoping to find some inspiration via this site, preferably not involving medication (doesn't work). Nobody close to me understands this at all. They are very frustrated by it and often quite cruel.

21-02-06, 14:22
welcome to the site!! I know how you feel I cannot go out alone!! we all understand on here!!! hope you get the support you need- you will make plenty of friends, who understand completely!!!

21-02-06, 14:33

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take things a step and a time and always stay positive.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

21-02-06, 14:45
Hi Davysmum!

Im also afraid of going out alone,with me its because im terrified of collapsing,ive never collapsed before (touch wood) but its funny how our minds work sometimes isnt it and how our anxieties affect us in such ways!
I do hope you find the help you need,its a great site this is! Have you read any of the info on the home pages? It helps explain how and why you are feeling the way you do!

Hope you start to feel better soon!! x

21-02-06, 16:10
I absolutely understand this.

By car I can go anywhere (not me driving though) and with company I can do a fair bit but on my own and I am struggling.

I am working on it though little by little - could you start by only standing on the kerb and do this until it feels comfortable (how ever long that takes) then just step off two steps etc etc building on these phases.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

21-02-06, 20:18
Hi Daveysmum




21-02-06, 20:37
Hi Davysmum and welcome to the site.

21-02-06, 21:33
Hi Daveysmum

Welcome aboard.

The best way to overcome this fear is with very small progressive steps.

So to begin with you just stand on the kerb and don't even think about crossing it. Just walk up and down and put no pressure on to cross the road. Do this each day until standing there becomes routine and boring and a perfectly normal thing to do.

Then you can slowly move on to the next step which could be to just take one step on to the road and then back again.

If done in small progressive steps you will build up the confidence each time and then start to realise that it can't and won't harm you.


21-02-06, 23:45
Hi Davysmum

Welcome to the forum.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

21-02-06, 23:48
Hi hun

Welcome to the site. We are all here to help you. Take it in small steps and see how it goes. I know a fear isnt easy but in time you can overcome it however long it takes and however hard it gets.

Thinking of you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

21-02-06, 23:52
Hi Davysmum,

Welcome aboard.

I think you will find many people who will understand you here, even those who don't suffer quite like you. Phobias and Anxieties come in all shapes and sizes, but the packet can be emptied and binned by similar methods!

Yes, small steps is the key. Maybe the first road you attempt to cross should be a very lightly trafficked and narrow one, perhaps with a car every ten minutes!

People on this site have suffered from phobias and have made great strides in just a few weeks.

There is no reason you cannot do this too.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

02-12-08, 23:09
Hi Davysmum and welcome to NMP! You've come to the right board, a lot of people understand how you feel and there's plenty of helpful advice here too.

I also struggle in traffic when I'm on foot, especially with big vehicles such as lorries, but I've found that learning to control my breathing and breathe deeply and slowly helps a great deal.

Take care,


04-12-08, 12:42
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx