View Full Version : Hey all

26-07-10, 00:37
In a nutshell...

Since i can remember ive always felt uncomfortable in social situations, like i dont know what to say or do, ive always felt out of place

This has been going on for a few years now

Sometimes i dont even feel like going out of the house

and i try to avoid talking to people, even though my job depends on it

i rarely go out with friends, but when i do, i drink a lot of alcohol just to give me some confidence so i can get in with them

edit - i think i have an alcohol problem too
I think its getting worse.... im scared of interacting with people if i havent had some alcohol

in general i just feel like a loser

i have no confidence or self esteem

26-07-10, 01:48
you really need to sort out your alchohol issue out...

its not good when you are drinking especially if you have anxiety...

only makes things worse...

the best thing to do, I know it sounds hard, but is to face it, and to go out there and just do whatever you feel uncomfortable with....

By crumbling up in one corner its going to make things worse, much worse...

the problems going to get bigger and bigger....

I used to have really bad generalized anxiety, developing into agoraphobia, which means I couldnt even step outside my house...

I started changing my mindset anf thinking, when I done that I began to notice positive change...

remember, anxiety, is only a mind thing....

here is the best solution, I have been using a really powerful free software, that can change your mind into thinking whatever you want...

you will be able to get rid of your anxiety, and your drinking habbit, this tool wirks for anything, and is really powerful...

to get FREE instant access to it click on the link below...

hope it helps...