View Full Version : Have i made a big mistake

26-07-10, 12:02
I think i might have made a big mistake by stopping the cit,i have said bad things about this medication but things are realy bad for me at the moment. seen the doctor this morning and she said it takes time to work witch i no , she said i need to be on them but it might have been a bad time to start them as they bring you down.I feel so down and such a fool i realy have to get back to work but i know with out somthing i dont think i can manage .IF i was put on 5mg insted of 20mg does any one think it would help , I feel such a complete idiot ,going to see if i can see doc this after noon again ,i know i cannot go back to work tomorrow iam to down for that , i just do not now what to do its all getting out off control wot a complete idiot i am :scared10::scared10: and i apologize to any one i have said bad things to about this med , There are people on hear that know more about this than me. I should just listen to what all you good people say going to phone doctors now.

26-07-10, 12:25
Hi Chris - i started on 5mg but i think it just prolonged the side effects etc. I started 20mg 16 days ago and i certainly feel alot less anxious. I even get moments where i feel very happy and content and I know things will improve even more so. I was also prescribed propranolol to help with the side effects in initial weeks so perhaps ask your doctor about it. It is a beta blocker which calms a racing heart down. All the best

26-07-10, 13:03
Hi Chris,

There's no denying that starting citalopram can cause side effects in some people but they can be made easier with diazepam or other drugs until the meds settle down. I think 5mg is a very very low dose....my GP told me 10mg is also very low but it is often good to start off with until the meds get into your system then you can increase slowly.

Please dont think you are an idiot as you are not...you just did what you thought was the right thing to do at the time.

Whatever you decide I wish you luck and you will get lots of support here it you need it.

Take care

26-07-10, 13:20
Thanx cherbear32 Just spoke to the doctor on the phone and she said exactly what you said start with 20mg and stick it out :ohmy: it was a different doctor to the one i went to see this morning. It going to be really hard the doctor said i really need to be on 20mg to start with . so now i start all over again but at-least i know what to expect . she said going to work on that amount at first is going to be hard so off till next monday . i hope this is going to be worth it as fore 5 months i felt great :yesyes: but now seriously down :weep: . will they help with mood swings? , not looking forward to this going to pick them up now . Deep down i know i need somthing just hope i am doing the right thing , just so frightened of not being able to go to work . does any one on this med go to work and find they can cope ok ? if so PLEASE let me know , like they say third time lucky :shrug:

26-07-10, 13:21
Thanx Jo :)

26-07-10, 13:36
I can't honestly tell you what 20mg is like, but I have been on 10mg for 13 days (on the advice of my doctor to ease into the meds) now and have been to work every day. I took them for anxiety though and am still anxious (although at a much lower level than before). I find it especially hard in the mornings, but push through distracted until I get to work and then as the day goes on I have ups and downs through the day.

Have also started with Vit B complex and making sure I try to eat something every 2 hours to maintain blood sugar levels. All of this on advice from people on here. My dose goes upto 20mg on Thursday this week so hoping for the best.

Like you I have had doubts, but am carrying on trying to get through the side effects for the trade off in benefits. Wish you all the best with them

jaded jean
26-07-10, 14:27
Dragonsblonde and chrisl
You will be fine.
Baby steps is what it takes, Dont beat youself up if you have a crap day, go with it and say thats another day out the way lets look forward to the future and start to get better, Its good that you are eating every couple of hours, you dont need anything else troubling you as we are all good at associating anything with the dep/anx.
Chrisl I am back at work after 8 months and I cope ok yes its part time but I am doing it . I take my time and am happy with my lot. I went back on a phased in basis , dont know how you feel about that , if your employers say anything google Disabilty Discrimination Act , your job will be safe so dont let that worry you,
Lastly look at the citalopram survival guide, It will help you through this,

26-07-10, 15:14
Hey Jean

Fine is where we area aiming and will get there soon! Am definately working on the diet now and eating a fairly balanced diet which am hoping sorts out the stomachy issues a bit. Even if not it is good for me. Hope you are doing well now and had a good weekend

jaded jean
26-07-10, 16:40
Hi Db
Yes not too bad a weekend , had the dizzies yesterday with my little increase but carried on shopping regrdless (in tesco's at the time!!) just held onto the trolley tighter lol. today I felt a bit better so onwards and upwards , we are all in this together AND the support is MARVELOUS:yesyes:

26-07-10, 17:36
Hi Chris / Gang

I have been on cit, for only seven days 10mg, had many of the side effects for the first 4/5 days and not really happy.
Did absolutely jack s**t this weekend on purpose, to try and keep calm and chilled out.
Today (day 7) apart from having one dizzy spell this morning I have felt better than in a long time.
I do think that starting off on 20 mg is a little high though, felt spaced out on 10mg for the first few days so God knows what 20mg does to you?

Good advice to start on small doses and get your system used to it, I coupled mine with stopping smoking and drinking so haven't done too bad so far.

Do keep at it Chris, I have felt a small change after a week and can't wait to get to a month to see the bigger change.

Remember every long journey starts with a few small steps

Si xxx

jaded jean
26-07-10, 19:43
Si I do love the quote at the bottom of your page , Maybe our doctors should put the same on their prescriptions!Jean

26-07-10, 20:29

Day 13 for me on the 10mg, upping to 20mg this thursday and can see where you are coming from Simon.

Haven't managed to quit smoking at the same time though so good on you, drink and caffeine is a thing of the past for me lol

Hang in and good luck


26-07-10, 20:47
Thanx to every one for giving up your time to reply to me:).I have picked my cit up this afternoon and they have said i must start with 20mgs it would be the best dose for me:shrug:. The doctor also told me to start having breakfast as i dont usually have any thing to eat until teatime i have always been like that for years . And to start taking more fluids through out the day, i dont drink alcohol never have but do smoke and apparently smoking is not good for dep/anx, Looks like i have to change alot of things in my life:scared15: but if it all works so be it. Will start cit at 9 tonight and i relay must stick with them this time . Again thanx for all your advice and support will let you all know how it goes :winks: