View Full Version : spots in vision

26-07-10, 12:53
hi all i am 36 weeks pregnant & i have a massive fear of MS (Massive!) i have become very aware of the floaters in my eye recently & they dont bother me i just notice them! i have in the past week had 3 occasions when i can see what looks like a fly buzzing around in my periphal vision i try & look at it & its gone in an instant. I was just whizzing round picking up my sons toys when it happened again when i sat down :( it was like a big black fly was darting around. Im terrified this is the beginning of MS :( is this normal? x

margaret jones
26-07-10, 12:57
Hi Tash
Not sure about the buzzing fly looking thing but maybe being 36 weeks preg and having another child that you are trying to be superwoman and do to much . If you are worried can you ring your Midwife or Dr and ask there thoughts on it ??? When is your due date ??

Take Care Maggie a :hugs: for you

26-07-10, 12:59
hiya tash, i also have huge fear fo ms (read through my threads) i dont think that fly thingy is anything to do with ms hun and i have done LOADS of research on it. xxx

26-07-10, 18:47
It sounds like a different type of floater to me. SOmetimes I get bigger ones which look really black and dart around a lot.

I presume your urine was clear of protein at your last MW app.

26-07-10, 23:55
I get this and always have since my anxiety disorder started. Im in recovery now but still get the 'fly' buzzin about in vision all the time, but its funny coz i can make it happen by just thinking about it. its just anxiety x ur fine x

27-07-10, 00:40
Its simple to explain, its just your eye ridding itself of any fluff, dirt and dust that gets into your eye, its naturally designed to flush any debris towards the corners of your eye and occasionally this means it passes in front of your pupil, its not the dirt your seeing its the TINY shadow it casts on your retina thats why it lacks form, the more dense the dirt the fuller the shadow, just help it along by blinking.