View Full Version : Dizzy/ weird " viby buzzy" head sensation

26-07-10, 14:54
Hey everyone,
so for about 4-5 months now I've been dizzy alot, but not "classic" room spinning dizzy, although I have had a bout of vertigo in those months, anyways it's a sort of buzzy vibey sensation kind of like when you've blown up alot of balloons and u have that tingly feeling in your head, but without the breathlessness and sore cheeks lol, anyways I also have what I call dizzy zaps maybe 3 times a week with a split second of feeling before your gonna faint that scares me, I had a head ct scan in aprilish... And the dr assumes I'm fine although I complain on it all the time she seems to think it's bad anxiety and hyperventilation as does my psych. I really want another head scan as I feel it's getting worse and although slowing my breathing does work somewhat it doesn't take the feeling entirely away but the dr thinks there is no need... Looking back over my journals of the last 6 months I complain everyday of my weird dizzying head sensation and I honestly can't remember if it was this bad so maybe my dr is right in saying last week at my appointment that if it was serious I would of fainted by now or shown other serious signs... I also have chest pains which makes me think I have a heart condition which the dr assured me I didn't have after many tests about 5 months ago, is this still valid tho, maybe I've developed something now. Pass 3 weeks have been tough I couldn't stop crying at one point because this constant dizziness brought me so low... And a friends father died suddenly of a heartattack weekend past so I've been constantly montoring my BP and heart rate which in my most paranoid has been 140/80ish with heart rate reaching 101 which sent me into a spin... Does anyone relate I just feel like breaking down and crying... I don't want to die I'm only 22 :( advice and support much appreciated

27-07-10, 09:32
So sorry your feeling so low! I've experienced these head sensations too, on and off for almost a year now. I've had a ct scan and mri of the head, and multiple other tests done..all came back normal. Doctor told me that my heart palps, head pains, shakey feelings, ect are all due to my anxiety. I have just started to accept this fact, which does help me control my anxiety. You sound just like me, in that no matter how many tests we get, we still think that the doctors must be missing something. I too felt for a very long time, that all these symptoms can not be normal and there must be something seriously wrong. I am in my late 20's and I realize that I can not live life in this constant fear and panic about my health. We should be feeling relief that after all these tests, we have been given a clean bill of physical health. I hope you start feeling better soon...in the meantime try to distract yourself with things you enjoy doing, and keep talking about your feelings with someone who you can trust. Best of luck to you! :hugs: