View Full Version : adrenalin rushes /hot waves thru body

26-07-10, 16:43
hello all i am having these again after 2 weeks of feeling better, ive been on my cipralex 8 weeks now and these feelings woke me and kept me awake thru the night last night am scared as i dont want to think im getting ill again i suffer from anxiety and panic disorder, what i cant understand and get my head around is why is my body doing this when im fast asllep... i know i havent slept to well past 3 nights and also am on my periods at the moment .... i hate this feeling of panic its the scariest for me please anyone else suffer from these on there meds from time to time and tell me im not having a relaps ?????????????????????????????

thanku any advice really needed
lisa x

26-07-10, 18:03
Hi alwaysanxious. I've been following your story a little bit as I've just been prescribed Cipralex as I wanted to come off Mirtazipine and I'm sorry that you've had a panic attack after you've been doing so well. However, I've just come through a nervous breakdown whilst I was taking the mirt. That's not to say they weren't working because they undoubtedly were. It's just that I was going though a difficult period and so I had a panic attack that put me in A&E. So I'd say you can have the occasional blip even when the drugs are working well and helping. The human panic reflex is a very strong mechanism which has kept us safe for several hundred thousand years and which can make the human body do all sorts of feats that have allowed us to escape sabre tooth tigers for example :eek: So taking a pill which slightly improves our mood only after many weeks (sometimes months) of taking it can't be relied upon to completely eradicate our symptoms. Sometimes our symptoms will break through - in fact if you were faced with a sabre tooth tiger right now I bet that you'd still feel a great deal of panic so the mechanism is still working and will sometimes 'misfire'. Be brave I've found your story helpful as I embark on my course of cipralex. And trust the drugs to work for the most part and try not to be dissuaded by this set back.

26-07-10, 19:03
hello deva thankyou for ur replie,, its just scared me again, it doesnt help as im moving in 4 weeks and im packing up slowley bits in the house its just im thinking god theres this to do that to do and its never going to get done, my partner keeps saying chill out relax it will get done ect ect..... but i cant help it!!! i think because its getting closer im getting more wound up its constanley on my mind i have anxiety now thinking about it ,, i hate the adrenanlin rushes they to put it mildy really shit me up and im getting alot of them again... ive got to go for blood test tom on everythink on the bloomin paper the doctor give me so hopefully that will be ok just so much going on and i find it hard to switch off...... im so tired 2 just want to be alright and feel good again... sorry if im being impatient its flippin hard...

lisa x

28-07-10, 12:47
Hi there

I am getting these at night too. And I have noticed that they coincide with my periods. The last time I got them was a couple of days before my period started. And this time I have had them three times this week and I am due any day. Now I'm not sure if that's coincidence or what. They are very unpelasant though. I feel like a warm sensation in my chest and that jolts me awake, like a flushing feeling. I feel like it must have been my heart stopping or something but sometimes when it happens my pulse isn't racing or irregular. Very odd and I hope 'normal'.

30-07-10, 20:52
hi dodo i get mine from my feet up to my chest but i get a racing heart 2, i havent had it for 3 days but ive finnishd my period 3 days ago also???? my mum reckons it my age as im 41 now she reckons its cos of pmt . but the problem is i had them a hell of lot everyday before i went on my meds ?????????// ooooo next time im coming back as a man!!!!!!!!! x