View Full Version : Travel Anxiety

26-07-10, 16:56
I'm going on a long weekend with my wife next weekend... I know I should be looking forward to it but we've never been away from our small children (4yr, 2yr & 5 mths).....

I know we will probably have a great time, but the thought of being on a plane, and being away from my kids is really making me freak out. My anxiety levels are sky high at the mere thought of it. Perhaps it is separation anxiety or something.

I love my children, but wish i was a little bit more carefree when it comes to heading off for a few days.

Anyone else feel like this? Anyone else suffer separation anxiety?

30-07-10, 11:20
Yeah, my anxiety always kicks in a bit more when I'm away from my kids, even just going to work sometimes. Fortunately busy routine tends to take my mind off it, hopefully having a good time away may do the same for you. Right now my wife is talking of sending the kids over to Ireland to spend summer with her family, but there's no way that's happening. It would definitely feel like something was 'missing'.

11-08-10, 16:39
Thanks Mudskipper - you know what I think the thought of going away is actually a lot worse than being away... well for me anyhow. I had a great weekend, but i honestly was so happy to get back home. I'm not a great traveller and certainly that didn't help.
I don't think i could spend the summer without the kids. though, you could take a few weeks and all head over here together :)
Thanks again!
the dude