View Full Version : I may be able to help!!

26-07-10, 18:57
Hi all,

I've not posted on here for a while and I feel guilty about it. This forum was a lifeline to me. Even though I made few posts, reading others made it a LOT easier for me to cope.

I just want to say.... I feel so much BETTER!!! AND SO CAN YOU!!!!!
I went to my GP (my new one - I moved areas) and although I thought my old GP was very sympathetic, he just didn't 'fix' me like my new one has.

I am on prozac, have stopped smoking (which has made a massive difference to my attacks - HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT) and I am seeing a CBT therapist.

I believe it's a mixture of these things that have made me feel so much better. I had the right doctor, the right medication and the right therapist.

I don't want to sound like I'm boasting, I just want to show you the light at the end of the tunnel. If I can feel 95% better after 4 months of treatment after 5 years of feeling so anxious and depressed that I was almost suicidle, so can you.

Please please please keep searching for the right doc, meds and therapist.

If this just makes someone feel a tiny bit better then I will be so glad. Good luck to all of you and big hugs xxxx :bighug1:

26-07-10, 19:04
Really pleased to hear that you are feeling better and it is very nice when people come on and let others know the success stories gives inspiration to others.

It maybe a change in yourself too don't put all of it down to meds and therapy, you say you moved to a different area this may have been beneficial too.

My therapist has advised me not to return to meds as sometimes people put their improvements down to medication and cannot or wont recognise that it may be down to our own improvements ... but whatever it is that has made you better then great stuff.

Thats two success stories tonight this is looking good x

26-07-10, 19:18
That sounds really positive news.

Can I be nosy and ask about your meds? I had diazapam for two weeks in an acute period but wasn't allowed any more. I believe prozac is similar? I have had a bad time with SSRIs.

The CBT sounds good. Have you been challanging thoughts etc? I am hoping my therapy does something this time. I've seen people before but they've been really 'wooly'.

26-07-10, 19:22
Girly2007 - very pleased you are making progress and all the best for the future

27-07-10, 12:30
That sounds really positive news.

Can I be nosy and ask about your meds? I had diazapam for two weeks in an acute period but wasn't allowed any more. I believe prozac is similar? I have had a bad time with SSRIs.

The CBT sounds good. Have you been challanging thoughts etc? I am hoping my therapy does something this time. I've seen people before but they've been really 'wooly'.


I've been on my meds for about 4 months and my doc says not to even consider cutting down on them or ending them until I've had a period of 6 months stable mood, and even then only if I feel ready.

They didn't seem to be working for ages, but after about a month and a half I had a happy day. These became more and more frequent and now it's rare if I slip into my old thoughts and feelings.

The CBT is excellent. I've had it before but I just seem to click with my new therapist. She seems to 'get' me and doesn't in anyway make me feel stupid or embarrased!

I have been diagnosed with health anxiety and OCD. My therapist and I have addressed my health anxiety first as it's the part of me that rules my life. My anxieties were (or are?) something being stuck in my throat - I wouldn't eat for days, the thing in my throat growing and suffocating me, not being able to breathe easily or at all, tingling/pins and needles, chest/lung/heart pains, social anxiety.

I was BAD. I really didn't think that she would be able to help, but she challenged my thoughts into logical ones. For example, she told me to breathe like I do when something is stuck in my throat. I don't do what you would think is hyperventalate (sp) but breathe slowly and deeply. My therapist told me that any type of controlling your breathing will make you feel abnormal. We sat and breathed like that for 2 minutes. She had to stop before the 2 mins were up because it made her throat feel dry and tight and her head feel dizzy. She couldn't believe that I did that nearly all day! It just clicked inside me that breathing like that would cause anyone to have symptoms.

I'm sorry if I have waffled. Ask me anything though - I really want to help. I don't pretend to be completely cured or an expert but I know what it feels like.

Thanks everyone for replying.

Serena xxxx:hugs: