View Full Version : Sleep

26-07-10, 19:22
This has happened a couple of times now but I'm scared I'm not going to get any sleep tonight again and I am so very tired.

Last night as I was drifting off I kept getting these warm rushes through my chest and they kept making me stay awake. I was so scared to go to sleep. Every time I tried to relax I got another of these warm rushes and they were really uncomfortable.

Also my heart was pumping hard. Not too faster than usual, just hard.

What is this and is it normal or is my heart in danger? I keep thinking every day I wake up that it's just a matter of time and that I'm waiting for my heart to stop working :(

26-07-10, 21:16
It is very Interesting topic to discuss about sleep. Every Human have to take rest during in his daily work. Sleep, we all love it, especially when you wake up from a great night's sleep. GOOD HEALTH means Good SLEEP and High ALERTNESS. Transform your bedroom into a haven of comfort. Create a room that is dark, quiet, comfortable and cool for the best possible sleep.

26-07-10, 22:41
Very often when we are just dropping off to sleep and going through the transition phase between waking and sleeping, we let down the conscious protective mental 'barriers' that we put up during the day to keep our anxiety in check and that's when it hits us big time. I have had this kind of experience many times and have often had panic attacks when I am dropping off to sleep or just waking up. It's scary and horrible but it won't hurt you, it is just the fear stored in your unconscious mind coming up to the surface.

26-07-10, 22:48
Is it adrenalin rushes? The warm sensation is horrible. It feels like my heart has gone all wierd and with my fear being my heart I just can't believe this is normal.

26-07-10, 23:17
I think that is exactly what it is dodo. I have had the same sort of thing. Sometimes when I am just dropping off I jerk awake in a panic with a racing heart and sweating and shaking,and then when I 'come round' I have no idea what the panic was about. I think it is just all those emotions that you keep hidden in the day escaping.

27-07-10, 02:32
Thankyou for the input

27-07-10, 04:11
right now i am not sur if to try and get some sleep or just stay awake either way i prob feel anxiose later on i say later on as it 4am and i fell asleep around half12 maybe even a little later and my husband got in bed i am not sur what time but i woke up to the sound of tv he left on we are both in liveing room as my daughter and her partner are here for the nightso i am on sttee he is on the camp bed when i woke i could not get comfy yet when i first fell asleep i was so so tired my eyes just shut now they wont stay shut i ave been tossing and turning since about 2 30 i would take a look in chat room but the stupid lap top wont let me sign in there so i guess i will just take alook on forums by for now trish xx

27-07-10, 09:28
was on here at 4am this morning i had fell asleep at about 12 30 then woke up at 230 couldnt sleep i ended up getting up for awhile got bk down at about half 5but was ressled and must ave fell in and out of sleep till 8ish then got up now i feel sick shaky feel like i ave a sack of spuds on each shoulder and across my necki did ave not to bad of a day yeaterday worked pretty hard in my house as just lately i avent been doing it felt to anxiouse and a bit depressed now i look at all i did yesterday and it was waste of time i ave a 19yrold son and 15 yr old daughter still liveing at home my son does do alot for him self but he dont clean up after himself and my daughter does nothing she was on pc all day yesterday she lay in bed watching tv now so i am trying to unwind enough to do somethingi no people say make your self btusey but when i feel like this i cant it all just winds me up what can i do i hste feeling like this nearly evry day iys so wearing me outuntill this feeling i can not even eat i am only nearly 8stone so cant aford to loose any weight sorry for going on but beeded to unload all this trish xxxxx

27-07-10, 15:37
Thanks for posting but I'm not sure what this has to do with my original post you guys?