View Full Version : Twitching, pain, panic!

26-07-10, 19:26
God I can't stand this anymore.
Ever since someone I know told me they had MND I've been convinced I've got it!
Since I had a hysterectomy 7 weeks ago, I've had twitches in my muscles. I was very anxious after the op, worried about blood clots, but the twitches were in my knees and calves, now in my arms. My right hand also hurts but then I do a typing job?
I feel sick, can't eat.
Could this really be anxiety?

27-07-10, 09:22
Yes, it could very well be anxiety. Muscle twitches are one of my main symptoms when I am feeling anxious. I notice them more in the evening when I am starting to unwind, but also feel them sometimes throughout the day. When I first started feeling them about a year ago, I went to see a neurologist because I was convienced I had some sort of horrible disease! After a complete exam, and multiple scans (my request) I was told all tests came back completley normal. Feeling sick and not wanting to eat can also be attributed to anxiety. If you aren't feeling better in a few days, and are still experiencing these feelings, you should probably see your GP just for some reassurance and piece of mind. :)

27-07-10, 10:18
I would say that the sick feeling and not eating is definitely part of the anxiety. I go through bouts of feeling very sick and not eating anything when I have a really bad worry patch! Muscle twitches are also a big thing with anxiety! When we worry about something we automatically tense our muscles without realising it. This tension continues while we are anxious and causes muscle twitches because our muscles are to tired of being tense. Then we worry about the twitches and it's a continuous cycle. Here's something that might ease your mind a bit. My boyfriend is the fittest, healthiest person I've ever met. He eats crazy healthy, he's an athlete and he does extra exercise just for fun. Weird, I know, haha. Anyway he twitches a bit and when he sleeps he twitches HEAPS. Sometimes so much that it wakes me up and he even wakes himself up sometimes. It's never worried him at all. Of course when I first noticed it it worried me because I'd never known someone to twitch that violently, especially in their sleep! But he doesn't care at all. He studies anatomy and physiology and stuff and he says it's just the muscles tensing and releasing because they're used to being tense or used :) I hope that makes you feel a bit better!

27-07-10, 10:23
Oh and RE the pain in the right hand, it's liekly to just be a tired muscle. Especially since you do do a lot of typing and if you are right handed you'll be using it even more. And with anxiety you feel every sensation and pain much more than normal because your body is looking out for any change at all so it's likely to just be muscle pain or exhaustion. Like L2T suggested, if you're really worrying about it go and check with the doctor for some reassurance, but remember, anxiety can cause a lot of yucky feelings!