View Full Version : dizzy :(

26-07-10, 19:46
Hi All
Ive managed to cope well for the last 3 months, changed my job, forced myself to go out on my own, ive actually been happy.

today once again, i felt sudden dizziness, i was walking from a property looking down at my clipboard and then bang! the ground looked like it was like the sea and i stumbled a bit back to the car, immediately burst into tears and panicked. The depressing thoughts have come back in abundance and im now terrified to go to work tomorrow, and i dont want to be on my own.
:weep: i dont know what to do, or what to think............there MUST be something wrong with me, this cant be normal.
help please guys
Linda x

26-07-10, 20:11
Please try not to panic, there are loads of reason why you may feel dizzy and non of them life threatening. Had you ate and drank much today? Maybe it was because you were looking at your clip board and so everything else was out of focus sending you off balance a bit? Also sometimes if i have been tense all day it makes go dizzy and i think that is because im off balance due to my muscles being tense. Maybe you have an ear infection?

Dont let this set you back, just remember that you went dizzy but NOTHING happend, which goes to show that it is very unlikely theres something wrong with you. The best thing you can do is go to work tomorrow, carry on doing what you were doing, accept that you have felt paniky but nothing bad has happend.
Can you spend the evening with anyone for some distraction? Or try and keep busy so that you are not stuck with your anxious thoughts.
Hope you feel better soon, i know how hard it can be when you are feeling much better and then something happens to set you back.
Take care

27-07-10, 03:23
Hi Lindajane,

I've suffered from dizziness for four and a half years now, I've had multiple CT scans, and ear check ups etc and to this day the doctors can give me no reason why it's happening. At the beginning it was extremely difficult for me just to get out of bed in the morning & go to work...every day was a nightmare. However, now four years on, I've decided that it is simply one of those unexplainable parts of my life and I soldier on.

Some days are worse than others and I have found that two important things make the difference....The first being Sleep, if I don't get enough sleep then the dizziness is really bad and the second is water, drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

I guess because I've had it for so long I've learnt to live with it but I do understand how scared it can make you.

27-07-10, 03:54
Hi there!

I used to go through horrid bouts of vertigo as well. In fact, they're usually one of my first anxiety symptoms. But just like everything else, they come and they go. Drink some water, munch on a cracker, maybe have a bit of juice. Sit down for a second and it will pass. :3

Though, my dizziness was because I wasn't eating enough. Yay anemia~!

27-07-10, 08:59
Hi Lindajane,

I wanted to let you know that I experienced dizzy spells last year from January until May. They would come and go....last for days at a time. I had an MRI, balance test, amongst many other tests, and all came back fine. They did find that I do have a balance/inner ear weakness. The only thing my ENT could suggest was that I possibly had an infection prior to January and I was still having spells from it. But don't worry! It can and will go away!! Feel better :) Tomorrow is a brand new day!

27-07-10, 20:58
Hi Linda

Havent heard from you in a while and i did kinda think like me that you were getting on ok, i was too and like you bang today i had a couple of pains in my chest and whooosh i was straight into a panic attack and now i find myself back here looking at what other people are experiencing that is similar to me just so i know im not alone.
i too am getting the dizziness although i am putting that down to the heat alot.
Im glad to hear everything was going well for you, but i think for everyone on here panic /anxiety is never far away and it only takes a little knock for you to be back to square one doing what we all do as well which is to pick ourselves back up and start again.
I know that despite getting these pains in my chest i am getting at the moment i am not going to have a massive heart attack and die on the spot.
You know that feeling dizzy doesnt mean your life is over - we both know it, best thing i can think to do is to take comfort from others and just take a deep breath and start again, im there with you back to square one and i bet we will both be there again further down the line but at least we both know deep down inside we will get up and carry on.
Sorry if im rambling just hate being here lol but hey ho life goes on ... cos it has too :)