View Full Version : flooded with negative thoughts on day 10

26-07-10, 21:21
hi there i've been on Citalopram 20mg's for 10 days now & so far so good ( just had the increased anxiety for a week or so ) but today i woke up just flooded with negative thoughts - they were like auto pilot as oon as i woke.. then bad pains in my head all day ( not like a headache feeling ) strange thing is i don't feel as anxious - but the thoughts are bad ones..

is this just the Citalopram playing a few tricks as it kicks in? has anyone else experienced this one?


26-07-10, 22:08
Hi Kellkoo,

only on day 7 myself and on 10mg, today things have lifted for me and feel better than in a long time.
will keep you posted over the next few days if it happens to me, hope this has just been a little blip for you and things get back on track

all the best Simon

26-07-10, 22:23
I think from what I heard this is normal. On day 13 of 10mg for me and I have had some rough days and also some rough hours on a good day.

A while to go yet before it all settles I think

27-07-10, 12:36

What you are experiencing is perfectly normal at this stage of taking citalopram...ups and downs will continue for a while and the ups will become more than the downs...but takes time and if you can take the rough with the smooth you will be just fine!!!

I wish you well in your recovery.


27-07-10, 14:15
i have been taken it for 18 days now.....still hasnt kicked in but i am assured that it will......i cannot wait until it does xxxx i am absolutely exhausted! but at least i am sleeping better so this is a plus xxxx

27-07-10, 15:02
Greg hear
im on day16 of cits and i had moments like this after day 10 i had two realy good days with hardley any side efects i felt i was on my way to being norm again i even slept those two night naturally sollid..then day 13 i woke up and it was like a light switch
BANG flooded with the neg feeling and chatterbox head feeling shit as if it was day one.
i felt like this for day 13,14,(15 not to bad through the day )didnt sleep at night
last night day 15 i slept with a sleeping pill and today i woke at 8.30am and have felt a bit tierd through the day , but good in my self again no neg feelings or bad efects..
hope this helps

28-07-10, 22:54
Glad to hear some positivity amongst the struggles for people - seems to be a theme of tiredness leading to negativity leading to lack of sleep and so on.
Glad you had a good day Greg. What dose are you taking, Calm?

I'm about 7 weeks in and up to 20mg now for the few weeks. Definitely overall many more good days than bad. Although if I have a really really good day then the next day I tend to feel very washed out and unable to concentrate.

I built something at the weekend and for the first time in my entire life I felt proud - all these new feelings I am getting from these meds, for those who are struggling, from my experience it is so worth it.

I guess it may not work for all and it may not work for long, I hope you keep at your GP until they find you something that works. I was so sceptical about handling life with meds but I am soo pleased I was nagged into it by my family.

Keep fighting all - why should other people get to have depression free lives - we deserve one too - let us fight our inner critic and make ourselves better. We only have one life and I don't want to spend it being battered by my own mind. (ok mostly trying positive self talk here!!)

Take care all

29-07-10, 00:58
You just have to remember that anything you're feeling is purely down to adjusting to citalopram. If I hadn't kept reminding myself this for my first 4 days, I would have freaked out majorly!!! When you acknowledge that it's just a side effect that you can't control and will soon go away, it becomes a lot less scary.

10-08-10, 21:15
I had the same thing. Almost to the day.

For me I am actually in a properly stressful place at work facing potential bankcrupcy and getting it in the neck from the people I work with. But the sudden cave in to it all on day 10-13, and a few days later it had passed..

10-08-10, 21:40
hi rachael..oh so sorry didnt see you post....i'm on 20mg have now been on it for 4 weeks but still feel high anxiety and panic...going to see my gp on friday...thank you rachael...love tracey xxxxx and i so agree with wot you say....we do only get one life xxxxx and we should be able to live it to the full xxxx