View Full Version : Hello from Canada

26-07-10, 21:43
Hello to all. I am so glad that I found this site. I have suffered from Panic & anxiety disorder for 15 years. I am currently starting another round on Cipralex and it has not been a good experience to say the least! I found this site looking for answers regarding the side effects, and was so surprised to find so much relief in just knowing that there are so many other people who are fighting this same fight. Family, friends, doctors, they all do what they can to help, and to try to understand, but I didn't ever realize how isolated I felt being the "only" person with this monster in my head!

26-07-10, 21:45
Hi MarlaJ

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-07-10, 22:45
yes you feel like you're the only one. after a successful stint on ciprolex for a few years i started a new course in june as i was having a wedding blessing beginning of july. saw physiciatrist and she prescribed me ciprolex again. that night a had a huge panic attack and fom then was downhill. been on ciprolex for 5 weeks now but suffering now from a nervousness an shaking a bit almost on the edge of panic all the time..?? did you suffer anyside effects from second course of ciprolex?? long term is it good for us?? xxx

27-07-10, 00:05
Welcome fellow Cannuck!

This is a great site and it has literally saved and changed my life-WELCOME to NMP!

27-07-10, 02:49
It is so hard to remember clearly the last round with cipralex. I think this is a common side effect as well......I am currently feeling very disconnected, like I can't clearly remember yesterday. I do remember going back to my doctor quite early on in my treatment and claiming that I was cured and not wanting to take the med anymore. That is reassuring to think that I felt that better that early on. It ended up that I was on it for 4 months, the doc reluctantly weaned me off with very little side effect (He wanted me to stay on for a full YEAR) This was my very first time admitting that I needed help with the panic/anxiety, and I actually felt like I had failed by opting for medication, so I didn't want to be on it any longer. I don't really know how bad the side effects were that time also because I was in such a very bad place when I first started the med, that I'm not sure I would have noticed feeling any worse. This time I went in earlier, thinking that I didn't want to feel that bad again. WOW! within an hour of taking the first pill I went into a spin. I was so nauseated that I spent 2 days in bed, by day three my panic was so revved up that I ended up going back in and having dose cut to 5 mg. I still feel rotten, but I think by the end of this week I will go back to the 10 mg and just "Get it Over With" as that seems to be the magic number where you are supposed to eventually feel better? AGHHHH. I feel very bad for you that you had to experience the terror that comes with a panic attack. There is nothing in this world compares to that is there? I also have a prescription for Ativan that I take whenever I start to feel that little niggle of Panic sneaking up. It has been a real life saver. There is also another thread on this forum from a wonderful man Sam The Raven. He has been posting a journal about his journey with Cipralex and I have found it also very helpful and hopeful. Good Luck and look forward to feeling better soon.

Vanilla Sky
27-07-10, 14:09
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x