View Full Version : please help

26-07-10, 22:11
im so sorry to send another post but im having really bad panics and anxiety after having a good couple of weeks whats wrong?? why am i feeling like this and will it go away...im panicing now and just feel so scared. dont know what to do ive been so positive last week its coming back why.? sorry for posting again but im just at my wits end with it today

lisa x

26-07-10, 22:36
hi lisa....sorry to hear how your feein,i myself am in the same situation only i have not had a PA in over a year....untill last nyt....i was gutted!! Not been to great today either! But i,ve learnt to just go along with them and let them happen and dont fight it! Mine has came on for no real reason to be honest.....! But just remember that you will be fine....and theres plenty of ppl her for you....even a chat room or games to play to help take your mind off things!! Which i find helps a bit. ;) <3

26-07-10, 22:47
Just know that when you are in recovery that sometimes the panics will pop up from time to time. Just don't fear them so much - they'll start going away again.

27-07-10, 08:27
thanku laila and jo, ive got it again today and had it all last night, i think its here because im worrying its back as its hit me hard the trouble is im fretting over it again that its happened .. im trying not to let it scare me and go with it but to be honest it does i just want to jump out my body and run away from me its so hard i just wish i could accept it but i cant , i cant belive that im doing to me, im an idiot why would i want to do this to myself????/ the adrenalin rushes scares me the most i can handle the racing heart ,the vomiting, the shakey legs. its the rushes i hate 1 after the other they come and the thoughts that come with anxiety and panic i hate hate hate... im sorry i just want to feelgood again..

27-07-10, 10:29
Alwaysanxious I feel exactly the same, I have never heard anyone else describe it the same as I feel it - adrenalin literally gushes through your veins it is so horrible. I feel so anxious today because I have a driving lesson at 3.30, I feel like cancelling but I have spent so much money on learning I just have to try to get my licence and my test is in a couple weeks. (I have already failed once). I just want to have a loan of someone else's body or brain for a few days for some rest! wouldnt that be a relief? To see places and things as normal and not terrifying. I feel so low today. x

28-07-10, 16:27

I was like that 2 years ago, I havent had anxiety at all now...

the reason why you are like that is because your anxious levels are set at a high level, this is the same with all anxiety sufferers

There is a part of the brain called the amygdala, and this amygdala controls your nervous system, if its set high then the result is an anxiety disorder...

It cant harm you, you just need to set it back down, by doing relaxation excersises, like meditation,breathing excersises....

The tool I really recommend, (while using it listen to music) its A FREE tool you can use to set your anxiety levels down...

its very powerful, and works really great, in a few weeks you will be ably to get results....

To get FREE instant access click on the link below...

All the Best, Hope it helps you

28-07-10, 18:47
hi louise sorry theres no link????/

28-07-10, 18:58
I have removed the link for now as Louise hasn't answered some questions about it.