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View Full Version : Vomiting Bug

21-02-06, 16:47

I am feeling very bad at the moment due to the vomiting bug being all over the place. I use a few other forums and so many people are posting about how they have it and how sick it has made them etc etc. I know I shouldn't have done it but I posted to ask them if they had any warning etc and asked all my reassurance questions, the problem is, I got all the unreassuring answers!

I am now really panicing about leaving the flat. I have an appointment in London tomorrow, it will take me an hour and a half to get there on train and tube and some of that will be in the rush hour. I don't know how I am going to cope. What if I am sick, or someone else is?

I don't understand how people manage to carry on with this going around. How can people go about their lives knowing they migh tbe sick at any moment? I don't get it! I think I am going to have to go and get some anti-emitics tomorrow to carry with me. I know it isn't a great idea, but I don't see how else I can carry on knowing that this thing is around, especially as I will ahve to travel to get home again.

I hope that someone might have some wisdom, I am feeling so low and just totally useless!


21-02-06, 21:27
Hi Izzy_b

First of all, as I've told you in Chat I also suffer from Emetophobia. I've been avoiding going out and the bad thoughts of it are making me feel worse now.

I really hate being sick and so panic when I know someone that has got the Vomitting bug.

To know that it lasts for more than 48 hrs maybe makes me feel even worse.

Please don't feel low as theres ppl out there in the same situation as me.

Hope your trip to London goes well.

23-02-06, 03:32
I know exactly how you feel!!! Im going through the same thing right now. Almost everyone around me is ill with a tummy bug. Its that time of year, I just have to put my faith in God. Its still hard for me I think about it constantly, hang in there I know how hard it is.

23-02-06, 15:03
I've just found a website that deals with Emetophobia only. ITS VERY GOOD. www.emetonline.com i think it is.

23-03-06, 09:39
Hi! check out my section which says 'what you can do for yourself'. It's the result of some research i did to help me out personally. Let's support each other and get through emet together.
