View Full Version : why are the mornings/days the worse.....

26-07-10, 23:48
can anyone explain as to why the mornings/day times are always the worst.
for me, and i am sure i cannot be alone as soon as i open my eyes it all starts....panic/anxiety and it just continues and continues.
then the evening comes......and although not totally right......it seems to have gone down a couple of notches.
if only i could get the feeling of evening in the daytime xxxxx

26-07-10, 23:50
Hi calm

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-07-10, 00:16
Mornings are bad for me too, I dont know why if I'm honest. I think its that there is a whole day ahead, a lot of unknown, your guard is up for the day ahead. It eases as you start to realise that nothing so far has actually been that bad, nothing major has happened, no threats, drama, or catastrophes and so you start to let your guard down, relax.

Try rolling the feeling you get on an evening through to the next day, try not to put so much emphasis on dividing each day, if getting through to the evening is your goal then getting there will be your battle, and you'll never win against time. Try just enjoying the moment, concentrating on getting through the day means you miss the the here and now and remember if you dont experience any threats etc one day then the likelyhood is that it will be exactly the same the next. Its all about breaking the cycle, it is easier said than done but it can be done with the right mind set.

Also it cannot be stressed enough the importance of a good nights sleep, your guard is immediately up when your tired as you are more vunerable, 8 hours is reccommended but you'll know yourself how much sleep you need to feel alert and wake the next day. The same goes for breakfast, your body is screaming out for nurishment and needs a kick up the backside to get into gear. Allow yourself an hour in the morning to have breakfast, relax and gather your thoughts, plan your day, etc, rolling out of bed and straight into action is asking for trouble, give yourself time to wake.

Give it a try anyway, see how it goes, let me know if it helps, it did for me.

27-07-10, 07:31
Hi Calm, Rob and Nic,

Mornings are always worse for me when anxiety is high, and I dont hink its strange. I also have sickness and runs in the mornings sometimes days in a row.

This morning is worse for me because I felt asleep and woke up at 4am and took my cipralex 10mg. I started work at 7.30 and now I am sitting at work and totally loopy - like I am still asleep and with a bit aof anxiety.

Probably I shouldnt have taken it, but I did sort of automatically.

27-07-10, 08:57
Mornings suck!!!!!

27-07-10, 09:42
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for your replies.....this morning has been sheer panic and it is only 9.33am......feelings of why am i here.....i feel so useless and worry about my daughter....i try to hide what i am going through.
but knowing i am not alone and have support from all of you is so so wonderful....thank you.
if we all pull together i know things will get better.....it is so good that we are all here for each other.
for me eating has kind of gone out of the window....i just dont feel hungry but today i have forced myself to eat some cornflakes and have had a small cup of tea....yes this is progress.....i have lost so much weight.
i have visited the toilet 4 times already....i have taken my tablet but i get so concerned that because of the visits to the loo it wont stay in my system and that adds to the anxiety....it will stay in my system.....wont it??????
thankyou one and all xxxxx

27-07-10, 11:50
rob....i have re-read wot you wrote - needed you just now- started to feel really panic stricken - thank you xxxxx

03-08-10, 02:08
Sorry I haven't been on here for a few days, laptop had an accident involving a clumsy dog and a glass of milk.

I'm glad I've been of some help to you, I've dealt with this condition for many many years, and only go off my experiences.
I have a technique I use for calming panic attacks, what I do is when panic strikes it hits hard and fast and very quickly gets out of control. To stop them in their tracks I would shut off my mind to everything around me, or find somewhere quiet you can be alone. Taking good deep slow breaths, really concentrate on why you feel panicked, ignore the symptoms the best you can, that's the effect not the cause, try clear your mind of all the rushing feelings, thoughts etc just concentrate on what it is that has you so worried. 99 times out of 100 you won't be able to think of anything as the cause, don't let that worry you at all, because without a cause you will realise that everything you are feeling is nothing to do with anything, basically you'll realise that there is no reason for the panic, and without reason it has no power over you at all, you've regained the composure, your back in control. Then its just a case of deep slow breaths as your body comes back down off its high, its full of adrenaline right now but your body will burn through it quiet quickly and as it does your heart rate will start to slow, your muscled will relax and its on with the rest of the day. I find this also helps with post panic anxiety as you've not just gone with the flow but actually dealt with it there and then.

Also try to remember that everything you feel is natural, your body is not ill or broken, it can't harm you, won't do you any damage at all.

All the best. Your stronger than you know.