View Full Version : relationships and anxiety

27-07-10, 03:48
hi. i have not been on here for quite a while, in fact i have had nearly 2 weeks of no panic, no real anxiety... only some thoughts that have not lasted to long. what i have noticed is that since i have been suffering with all this, ive become so paranoid. i love my boyfriend so much and am so afraid that im so difficult to be with he'll cheat. ive been cheated on and hurt alot by men. he insists he doesnt feel bothered by my anxiety but i cant seem to relax. im worried if we part that ill lose my mind or something. ive never been a jealous person in this relationship so why now?... its making me feel crazy.!! i wondered if it was because i hate myself for having these problems. he clearly loves me but he said the other day that going on about it all the time is gonna drive im away or to actually doing it.. now i think that he will because of me having been the way i have. he is helpful when i panic and seems to understand so i dont get why i am being so silly. ahhahahh.. xx

27-07-10, 04:22
I feel mean saying this..... But it's the jealousy and questioning him that may drive him away.....
I've been the paranoid girl before, asking where having you been, who were you with , why haven't you text me back, is that girl prettier than me, if she did flirt with you I'd take her out.......
men really hate that type of thing, I guess they assume that you don't trust him.

27-07-10, 04:24
If he says it, he means it. Men aren't that complicated to have hidden meanings (a man himself told me this). You just have to put your trust in his words. If you just take a deep breath and let yourself be comforted by it it will help it go away. If it doesn't work out in the end it's just another life experience, but don't let that "what if" get in the way of now. All there is is now, and right now he is supportive. :3 Many of us would kill for a supportive man... many don't understand what we go through. x3 Feel lucky. :hugs:

27-07-10, 04:50
thank you guys. i do think im lucky everyday. its just difficult when men have been nothing but liars to me before, but he always says."im not them".. its true, i think anxiety has jjst made me question everything. we do long distance and after 2 years im sick of it. lol.. but thanks for your replies. they helped. :).x