View Full Version : Must stop googling!

27-07-10, 12:06
A bad habit I must try to break myself of is the compulsion to keep googling anxiety/citalopram or anything else that I am taking/needing ot worrying about.

Heading towards my increase in meds and nervous about increased anxiety during it and of course when you google it enough you can terrify yourself into believing the worst.

Must try to remember that everyone is different and even if I do get anything on the increase it is temporary and will benefit me in the end.

Obviouslyu most people only post or search when times are bad so hopeful stories and success stories are thin on the ground lol

Anyone else suffer with "googlitis"??

27-07-10, 13:25
Sure do. I made myself stop looking at stories on here and on google.

I would find positive stories from people but then a while after they would be negative again.

As you say, people who feel better probably leave the site and do not post.

A bad habit I must try to break myself of is the compulsion to keep googling anxiety/citalopram or anything else that I am taking/needing ot worrying about.

Heading towards my increase in meds and nervous about increased anxiety during it and of course when you google it enough you can terrify yourself into believing the worst.

Must try to remember that everyone is different and even if I do get anything on the increase it is temporary and will benefit me in the end.

Obviouslyu most people only post or search when times are bad so hopeful stories and success stories are thin on the ground lol

Anyone else suffer with "googlitis"??

27-07-10, 13:36
I know what you mean lol. You are happily reading along and then oops it all goes wrong. There are a few on here though that have given me hope and luckily for me since opening up to a few people (both friends and family) I have discovered people who are on CIT or others and are fine on them.

Must try to stop scaring ourselves I guess

27-07-10, 16:03
I know what you mean lol. You are happily reading along and then oops it all goes wrong. There are a few on here though that have given me hope and luckily for me since opening up to a few people (both friends and family) I have discovered people who are on CIT or others and are fine on them.

Must try to stop scaring ourselves I guess


Positive thinking and all!