View Full Version : PMS and anxiety!? *womens post hehe*

27-07-10, 12:07

I was wondering If there's any women out there like me who have really really bad PMS and get so agitated before their period and what they do about it!? Mine has got worse since my anxiety has cropped it's head again!Last night I couldnt sleep because I felt so P*ssed off at nothing!:blush: It worried me thinking why am I getting this angry I normally do anyway but I thought am I going to do something crazy!?

27-07-10, 13:42
I can definitely identify a link between the two, although it does vary a bit as to how the anxiety shows itself. Sometimes it will be more generalised, being angry or agitated. At other times it is straightforward anxiety, not linked to any sort of specific events, but quite often I find it makes health anxiety worse, or find myself obsessing about the future.

27-07-10, 16:58
yeah I had that problem this month.
my PMS was the worst, I even had a full blown tantrum..... which I felt so embarrassed about but I just flew into a full blown rage!
never in my life have I been that angry and upset over something so small......
also I got mad while sweeping the floor and broke the brush!
it did scare me though, the lack of control over my emotions!
I also felt quite depressed.
it's a week after my period and my anxiety is only barely starting to calm down.
the agitation though started a week before my period and started to calm down a few days into it.
seriously you can't help it so don't be hard on your self, blame the hormones!!
also listen to music I found it helpful

29-07-10, 13:50
Yes I have PMDD and have been put into a medical menopause this year to try to help, but that was worse.

I think I'm about to start my period soon, no had one since april because they gave me zoladex to stop them. But it waas so bad after the second jab I refused anymore and now I am waiting to start my dreadful cycle agaib. But at least I know where I am with my PMS I kknwo that from day 14 to day 28 I am going to get worse and just have to keep telling myself its my hormones its my hormones.

The menopause was terrible, didn't know my own mind, hot sweats that felt like panic attacks and lots of other stuff, nightmare us women certainly do suffer.

If you would like to talkk about this please get in touch as I would like someone to talk too who under stands. My PMS PMDD has had a horiffic effect on my life x

23-03-11, 11:04
My period is due on friday (my bloody birthday of all days!!) and i went absolutely mental at my hubby last night, screaming, shouting swearing, and crying!!! woke up this morning feeling a bit silly and it does scare me if its that bad cos i worry i need anger managemant or something but its only when my period is due, anxiety has always been worse when my hormones are high and im nt anxious at any other time so i definitly agree its hormones.

sarah jayne
23-03-11, 11:11
im always more anxious when im due on my period :( Men have it easy dont they lol

23-03-11, 11:12
My boyfriend says I've been a lot better for the last few months both anxiety and depression wise - since I started to take the progesterone only pill!!!

There were times on my period that I would get so depressed I'd end up off work and once during that phase I even quit my job (Waaaaah!!!) Only to seriously regret that once my period was over (fortunately since I said I was leaving for health reasons they encouraged me to go part time instead of just leave - SO LUCKY!)

I still feel a bit rotten on periods but it's not half as bad now I'm on the pill. You could always ask your doctor. They can do things for PMS and I think taking contraceptives is one of the things they do.

24-03-11, 19:19
I am exactly the same. I have really bad PMS right now, and it's getting worse as I get older (I'm still only 32!). I can't stand the thought of having years of this! The insomnia is dreadful, I have the worse hormonal migraines that painkillers won't touch and I'm in a really foul mood! I hate feeling this way. It doesn't help that my periods are often several days or a week late and this feeling just drags on! I'm meant to be going out with family on Sunday but think I'll have to cancel because I feel so bad.

I have seen my GP and suggested having a coil fitted which will stop my periods, but I'm still researching this option.

24-03-11, 23:37
I am exactly the same. I have really bad PMS right now, and it's getting worse as I get older (I'm still only 32!). I can't stand the thought of having years of this! The insomnia is dreadful, I have the worse hormonal migraines that painkillers won't touch and I'm in a really foul mood! I hate feeling this way. It doesn't help that my periods are often several days or a week late and this feeling just drags on! I'm meant to be going out with family on Sunday but think I'll have to cancel because I feel so bad.

I have seen my GP and suggested having a coil fitted which will stop my periods, but I'm still researching this option.

I've literally just been researching the mirena coil too before I came on here! Can't say I'm convinced!!

24-03-11, 23:41
I've also been diagnosed with PMDD, didn't realise what it was at first so it ended up in a full blown depression until the doc asked me to keep a diary of the symptoms. I was prescribed citalopram which I've been taking for almost two years and am now changing to venlafaxine. The anti-depressants do help, they reduce the anxiety and helps the depression. I can still feel my mood etc altering around that time but it's more controllable. It's awful and I totally sympathise with anyone who has this as it's a neverending roller coaster.

24-03-11, 23:42
sorry, also meant to say that I've been using the mirena coil for over ten years and my PMDD started while having it so it might work for some people but didn't for me.

24-03-11, 23:52
I've decided I'm gonna leave the coil for now. I would probably pass out from the pain of having it inserted and I don't fancy abdominal cramps, back pain and constant bleeding for months. It would definitely work as a contraceptive though, sex would be the last thing on my mind!:laugh:

24-03-11, 23:59
Lol too true. I got it in as my periods were really heavy and irregular and I have to say, although I get most of the physical symptoms, I haven't had a period in over three years. Probably one of the reasons the PMDD took so long to diagnose!!

25-03-11, 14:33
It's good to hear feedback from others members experiences here of having a coil. I think I'm going to put it on hold for now. I have to go to a family planning clinic, so I may discuss other options whilst I'm there.

My mum had a coil fitted when she was in her late-40s due to heavy periods. She said it was fantastic, it stopped all her periods completely, and she sailed through the menopause with no symptoms! She's tried to convince me to have a coil, but just because it worked for her doesn't mean it will work for me.

19-12-11, 15:08
I had a tantrum on friday & i am on my period & then sunday morning i was feeling like i was going to go manic i was due to go away but just couldnt so stayed with my mum but i felt sick and even though i ate i just felt sick & was crying alot im convinced i have a heart problem like my dad had ive had tests and they were ok but what if there wrong???
The doctor keeps telling me to read anxiety books i could open a library !!! My face is hot i get a clammy neck at the back & i always rub the back of my beck or scratch my head if anxious and out somewhere especially in a queue somewhere anyone else ???