View Full Version : Please reassure- Feeling dreadful this week & not coping well

27-07-10, 12:22

Having a really bad week. My mother-in-law died 2 weeks ago after we'd just been told by the hospital that she had a few months left after a brave battle with cancer. Was a huge shock as I've never lost anyone close to me before. Have been strong for my husband but my HA has kicked in with a vengence this week.Normally I would seek reassurance from him but he's going through so much at the moment, I don't want to worry him. Got terrible IBS/period pains, constant back ache, aching arms & legs, & bloating. Wondered if abody else has these type symptoms? I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow but am scared that he may try to put me back on meds to control my anxiety. Know that anxiety can be a trigger for all these symptoms but need some reassurance that it's not something terrible.
P.S Have been good & stayed away from Dr Google!

27-07-10, 12:25
It's probably nothing serious. You are grieving and the usual person you would vent things with you do not want to burden right now. I'm sure you'll be fine.

27-07-10, 12:38

Like you said and know yourself, all the symptoms you describe can be down to anxiety. You are being so so brave not sharing how you feel with your partner. I'm so sorry about your mother in law. Anyone going through what you are would have the same symptoms, especially if you have health anxiety to begin with.

Try to believe in yourself, your body is a clever amazing thing, but it can also rebel when stressed. Your symptoms are NORMAL. Good luck, look after yourself, big hugs xxxx

28-07-10, 09:14
I felt this way when my mum passed away in Jan this year i thought my life would never be the same,sickness,loss of weight,shaking etc it was horrible i ent to my GP and he gave me meds but i decided not to take then and seek other advice! i feel loads better now still get the odd day when i feel rubbish but i now feel i have my life back a little :)

Good luck i'm sure you will come through this.

28-07-10, 09:43
Dearest Pandagirl....my heart goes out to you...losing someone so close is oh so hard and i can understand why you dont want to worry your partner.
explain all to the doc....thinking of you xxxx

28-07-10, 19:50
Thank you so much for your replies & support. Went to Doc's today & he thinks 99% that it's stress & a flare up of IBS. He did give me an pelvic exam, which was fine & he's going to refer me for an ultrasound for my peace of mind, nothing else.Going to get some early nights & hopefully things will ease a little.