View Full Version : Concentrating on breathing

27-07-10, 12:27
Hey everyone

Lately I had a panic attack and it was simply because I was worried about my breathing, it seemed a bit shallow, a bit like I was not getting enough air like a restriction, but i am not out of breath like panting or anything, it seems worse when I am hot. 'ie hot room or on the bus????!'

Also having a tight chest. ie pressure

I got the all clear from the hospital, they done a few heart and oxygen tests and came back fine.

I know I haven't got a problem physically but I still feel like whenever I think about my breathing it happens and when I don't think about it im fine.. anybody relate to this? any techniques? it's happening everyday..

27-07-10, 16:31

27-07-10, 17:02

I spend way too much time concentrating on my breathing, the more i think about it the more i can't breath, my breathing becomes shallow and my chest tightens up. For a moment or two i speculate that i might be having a heart attack but then i think to myself that i get this all the time and i am still alive. I try not to freak out too much, sometimes if it gets really bad i breath into a paper bag to regulate my breathing - it can work a treat!


27-07-10, 17:52
Hi there.
When you start to notice your breathing I suggest you drop your shoulders as low as you can slouch them, this will help loosen up your chest. Then focus on breathing deeply into your stomach. When you do this your chest shouldnt move much, and your stomach should move a lot. In and out.
If your problem is that you feel youre not getting enough oxygen in warm air. Try licking your lips and sucking the air past them so that it feels cool on the lips. Or a strong mint will help the air feel fresh.

27-07-10, 18:45
thankyou Vixxy :) I will try that

Also I know Natty it's awful, im exactly the same!!

27-07-10, 20:11
Hi elliot yeah this is very common .. i had a bad choking experience 16 years back when i was eating .. thats what set my panic attacks off..straight after that all i could do was think about every single breath that i took , as though if i stop thinking about it , i was gonna stop breathing .. i used to my make self yawn just so i could get that satisfying breath if you know what i mean .. this didnt last long at all though and i stopped thinking and concentrating it every second about it .. as vixxy says drop your shoulders and try relax them .. try some breathing techniques ..it used to feel as though someone was stood on my chest but once one i learned how to relax a bit more i got rid of all this .. although i suffer now with panic now .. it dissapeared out of my life for like 3 years and a spell of 4 years.. unfortunalley something triggered this off 3 months back .. but im bouncing back as we all will :D. Ant

27-07-10, 22:10
Concentrate on something else! Concentrate on...maybe...your nose or your fingers or a faulty piece of equipment somewhere. Or pretty things... work on directing your energy somewhere else. Then your breathing won't even be noticed and you will remember just how natural it is :)

28-07-10, 16:13
Hey Elliot,

Yeah thats a common anxiety symptom, having a tight feeling in the chest, and feel as if youre not getting any air in your lungs...

I used to get that all the time, the best techniques which personally worked for me, which I think is great, is meditation, breathing excersises....

But the best one of all, using a FREE tool, to change your thinking...

Because anxiety is only in the mind, onceyou can reprogramme your thinking to how you want, you will have no trouble anymore.....

I suggest you also use this FREE software while listening to relaxing music, it works so well...

In fact youll probably get results within a few weeks!

click the link below to get FREE instant access...

All the best Elliot Hope it helps...

28-07-10, 17:40
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