View Full Version : Hi From another newbie x

27-07-10, 12:30
Just joined the site, looking forward to talking with people who understand panic attacks and the feelings you get with them.
I am 23 and have had PA now for 4years, for one of them years I would not leave the house I seemed to be frightened of everything even just falling asleep, I was scared I would not wake up. I started to get a lot better last year with a lot of determination from myself, I kept pushing myself and this did help a lot, I thought I was well on the road to recovery and then in January of this year my beloved dog passed away and what with that and a really stressful time at work I was out one day on my own and had a massive panic attack. Since then I have found it really hard to bounce back, does any one or has any one else had a big set back like this?

It will be great to hear from you :)

27-07-10, 12:31
Hi kerrie23

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-07-10, 13:10
Hi kerrie . you will bounce back .. i was free of agoraphobia and panic attacks for a few years until 3 months back .. im well on the road to recovery now though so you will get better.. youl find stacks of nice ppl among the forum and loads of help and support.. this site has really push me in the right direction keep doing what your were doing and keep thinking positive .. i changed the way im thinking about things in the last few days and im on the way forward again . .. anyway nice to meet you .. all the best Antonio :welcome:

Kerry B
27-07-10, 13:14
Hi Kerrie

I have a set back in May this week when my Psychiatrist put me mon Propronol form PA they made me dizzy constantly I couldnt even look up or wash my hair over the bath with the shower hose my head would just spin, my GP said they where causing me to have low blood pressure and since then I have gone down hill and really struggling to get back up like you. x

Vanilla Sky
27-07-10, 14:06
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

27-07-10, 14:57
Thank you for your replys, its nice to talk to other people who know where you are coming from.

27-07-10, 22:00
Hi kerrie I too have had a set back. My client I was working with died. i am a youth and community worker working in supporting accommodation unit. The last two weeks have been difficult and i've had a run of attacks which I was expecting and had managed them best i can, i haven't had them so bad recently despite the stress. But last night I had a massive attack so I know just what your saying. A set back is such a positive way to look at it it means things can only get better. Thanks for sharing - helped me to get some perspective regards Nicky