View Full Version : GAD and tinitus and flickery vision

27-07-10, 19:53
hi, fisrt time here great website just looking for anyone with similar symptoms to me am so scared. i think i had a nervous breakdown and since then (2 months ago) have suffered vertigo panic attacks and all day general anxiety which gets worse when my eyes get worse, i have this horrible flickery vision all day and a slight ringing in my reas, had all the dr checks (no scasn as they said not needed) but m so worried, the drs say all anxiety and to try and stop worrying but i cant, anyone else have similar symptoms, thanks x

28-07-10, 21:09

I'm the same!!!!
I suffer from dizzyness all day long and by early eve everything els kicks in...poor vision,restless,hot flushes,overbreathing ect.
I too went to my doctors who told me it is ALL anxiety, ive had lots of tests including a MRI scan and nothing was found...so i guess the doctors are right, it doesnt make it any better tho i just want all the symptoms to go away!

how are you coping? are you on medication....


Going home
28-07-10, 21:23
Yes its the same for me. Flickery vision only seems to be in my left eye and the humming noise I get is only ever in my right ear! I don't suffer with GAD, though I am a mix of agoraphobic (not severely these days thankfully) and claustrophobic (very severely unfortunately) I get these symptoms loads more if i'm over-tired or over-stressed.

Welcome to the forum by the way :flowers:

Anna xxx

29-07-10, 10:51
thanks so much guys makes me feel better that im not the only one. tried lots of meds, mirtazipane, citalopran and prosac all just gave me worse side effects so trying to go solo now although helps knowing i have valium ion me always, somedays when you feel 80% ok you think this could be it getting better only to face something new or sypmtoms worse again, i do wish this would end, thanks for replies though means alot x

29-07-10, 18:54
Yeah i get these weird flickers in my eye, especially when im really anxious. I even get black flashes :ohmy: