View Full Version : ahh 2am message

28-07-10, 02:36
Ah what can i say 2 good days
went to bed last night without sleeping pill , and felt a bit tense
read me book had the radio on,as usual radio on timer , radio turned of ,,me still awake,i lade there for a while and must of fell asleep about 12am..
then i woke at 2am..( typing this message) very hot and swetting( ohhwww)
my head felt fuzzy and my tinnitus (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Lvv&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=s&&sa=X&ei=xoRPTNinEIui0gTpnNCQBw&ved=0CCIQBSgA&q=tinnitus&spell=1) was louder then norm.
and had this kind of rush feeling running through my head ,( felt a bit odd )
so typing this message and play some music and will try to go back to sleep.
But i dont think i will be able to cos this is how i felt all 16 days on cit , only really had two days sleep, with the help of sleeping tablets.
this was the only concern for me ,really felt i could have got past all the side efects....any idears.. should i use the sleeping tablets for a while..
i couldnt put up with this on my holiday next week , this was my main fear waking in the night in a strange place and feeling bad throughout the next day and the next ect...it will surely destroy my holliday.
im trying to believe in these cits,esp after two good days so far into taking them,and am still possitive ,,but this waking like this and knowing you r screwed for the rest of the night is so depressing ,,,sitting hear my head and ears are kind of fizzing and head feeling uncomftably hot again,which for two days went.
Its like having a bit of chease dangled in front of you then taken away again..

anyone eles had this ,,and it going away FOR GOOD
up till the day i started these cits.I NEVER HAD A ISUE SLEEPING
i would just go to bed when i was ready no need for reading books etc and just got into bed and felt so comftable in my beautifull bed , and had happy thaughts and fell asleep..
and woke 7 hours latter..and that was it EVERY NIGH OF MY LIFE
so cant help feel pisstoff at the moment,,excuse my french
to go...Greg ......trying to stay optimistic but when this happens.. (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=38v&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=s&&sa=X&ei=GIhPTKDSCYfu0wTc_bmhBw&ved=0CCQQBSgA&q=stay+optimistic&spell=1)
you cant help but think different..
At this moment im not even feeling tierd , so i allready know i prob wont just fall back to sleep,and its to late into the morning to take a sleeping tablet,,so i now know my day ahead wont be a good one,,,,

jaded jean
28-07-10, 06:33
So sorry to read you had a shite nite again. its all right us saying have patience but when you are in the midst of it all nothing seems right does it?? Be strong for yourself, you have drawn on your inner strength before, its time to do it again hun, your lack of sleep might not be helping you either. .Go into the chatroom and speak to us it will take the focus off your tinnitus and fuzzy head feelings for a while.
Stay strong hun. and probably when you read this you will have slept a bit,:hugs::hugs:Jean

28-07-10, 07:04

Have you thought about changing the time of day you take your cit? You must have nearlly reached 3 weeks most people find that is a really good turning point.

28-07-10, 07:56
Oh Greg....sorry to hear you had another bad night hon. Quite a lot of people do have to use some help with sleeping though, especially until your natural rhythms return.

Really hope you got back to sleep last night though and feel brighter this morning x

28-07-10, 08:30
ohh hi guys 8 15am
after going back up to bed at 3.30am i still felt awake and with that god dam chatterbox going on in my head,couldnt help but focus on it ..i tried so hard to concerntrate on something eles , but just couldnt,( no matter how hard i tried)
i just keept realizing that my thaughts are constantly thinking of how im not sleeping ,im not tierd,im hot ,im going to feel worse tomorow,i realy felt after two solid good days ,that it could finally be over,,
wrong...i layed there until at least 5 am literally not a sleep just tossing and turning and clock watching and thinkink over and over and over,,and felt realy depressed about it...just wishing AGAIN that i never started these things,,,
so far they have ruend the whole of my summer holliday and the 2 weeks before..and i just cant see this night time shit going...
i know im being negitive, but if you walked down the street singing,and then all of a suden someone , just chopped your arm of ...just like that
your life would feel terible , with such a dramatic instant unaceptable change
well thats me 17 days ago...I just want to be me sleeping not conciouse of what im doing saying thinking sleeping..
you can tell iv just got up cos all the neg words ,,but i do feel like this and are still contantplating stopping these things,
I never needed them , so this is why im finding it so hard to except
If i had anxiety or depreseion as so many in hear do and realy need these to help them,i would prob just get on with it,but i dint,,,

sorry guys for weekning again , iv just had enough...

28-07-10, 08:34
would changing the time i take them .instead of am to pm
could this help and if so why
i just thaught there was a constant relese regardles to what time you take them..so how does time changing make any difference,,,
any idears

28-07-10, 08:48
Hi Greg

I think some people from their posts on here have found that changing the time of day changes when they are tired or getting side effects. Those who find the CIT wipes them out during the day have switched to night time.

Obviously am sure more people will answer this with more experience than I have, but I know I have read it at times on here.

You have to make the final decision on if you switch or come off or stay on as you know how you feel and what decision you want to make. Always here to lean on though if you need it!


28-07-10, 08:55
desisions desisions....thanks jo
i realy just do not know ..i suppose half of me is scared if i stop,,,will i get strange rare side efect,like you do when you first go on them..and take this on holiday with me..even though 4 profesionals have said it wouldnt...it would be my luck,thatit would..
if i knew for sure it wouldnt and could realy beleve it wouldnt,,i would stop right now..
so not sure what to do this sleeping is the last part of the puzzle for me ,as sitting hear now again like the last couple of days i feel fine just tierd dissapointed with whats happning and and uncertain,,,if i was just sleeping i think i would be fine to stay on them..i just didnt want to have to take sleeping pills on my holiday and take every night ,as they make you feel heavy and draind the next day...
ahhhhhhooooo i just wish fait would tell me what to do...
jo your a real rock,,,,x

28-07-10, 09:15
No worries hon, I am a believer in helping others where you can and now for the first time ever in my life asking others for help and leaning on them a little when I am just not as strong as usual. This has been the biggest learning curve for me I think.

I do know from experience that the more you worry about sleeping the harder it gets to go to sleep, but that doesn't sound like all of your problem.

From what I have read you can sometimes get side effects from coming off a low dose in the early stages, but shouldn't be as bad as from a higher dose or longer use. Do you think that the increase in pressure you are putting yourself through to be better for the holiday is actuallymaking you worse though?

From some of the guides, particularly the Dr Claire Weekes things I am using it is well respected that the harder you fight the anxiety/depression etc the harder it fights back and you can't let go. Hardest thing in the world for me was to start accepting it and letting it wash over me. Not always managing (and even question myself at times when I will know I have fully accepted it lol), but I notice when I pressure myself or expect to feel these feelings I do!

Probably babbling now, but try to be gentle on yourself a bit more. Many things may help you sleep, but I promise you that worrying about not sleeping won't


28-07-10, 09:59
I know what you r saying darling , and i just cant stop thinking about my not sleeping , its just involantry,,im not aware im doing it but i do all of a sudden just realize iv not stoped thinking about it...
nhs direct allso says it might give me some side efects if i stop and im not risking this just before this holliday,and yes i know im putting extra presure on myself with this holliday,BUT again its just thaughts coming in , i cant stop it,,i think there is some real concern for my familly missing out on this hol,and i dont want them to,
ohhh god life is hard.
Well the way its going to be is that,im going to stay on them ,and take sleeping pills at night for a short time ,( prob till end of my holiday )
if when i come back im still having sleep isues( not sleep problems just not drifting ) fuzzy negitive hot and swetting feelings.( side efects)
then im going to have to be realistic and come of them,which in a way concirns me as i will prob need a 2 week period of side efects AGAIN just to come of the things..
so that would have realy screwed up my summer holidays ( 4 weeks unnesasary stress) then prob 2 weeks to come off them.Great the whole 6 weeks my kids are off..
i do try not to think of it all but it just comes into my head,no matter what i do ...breathing cd etc , just doesnt work for me..

oh well ill see how my day goes and try to regain some possitive mind again ,and ill report back latter...take care darling..
and thanks again.X

28-07-10, 14:09
Hi Greg

How are you feeling now? It sounds like you had a really long night!!

Some people I know have found a difference in the time of day they take them, but it doesn't make any difference to me.

28-07-10, 14:39
Hi Greg

You should try to switch to evenings it might help and you have nothing to loose by doing that if it doesn't.


28-07-10, 15:20
Thing is not only did i not sleep, today i feel anxiouse again and a bit wierd just like in the first week of being on cit. Its been 17 days and i just cant see this going . Im having a realy shit day feeling out of it in so many ways, i went to the cinama and didnt enjoy my time there. I just canot concerntrate today on anything possitive. Iv had it with these tablets. Im giving the. Up tom morming . I just cant do this any longer.

28-07-10, 16:33
Hi Greg,

After all the advice and encouragement you've given me, you can't quit now. You know yourself that it can take a month or more to really get used the tablets and get over the side effects. As you said to me "You are not alone".

I'm starting to feel anxious about the drive home and sleeping tonight, as I don't want to take another sleeping tablet. So, if I can't sleep tonight I might bump into you here in the middle of the night.

Take it easy and have faith that they will do you good in the long term.


28-07-10, 16:39
My first night alone tonight since this last bout started so even I may bump into you all on here.......

All my support to both of you as always

28-07-10, 16:42
Things that go bump in the night :scared15:

28-07-10, 16:45
Although according to the leaflet on CIT it happily stops anything bumping in the night :winks:

28-07-10, 17:17
Well ill be bumpping onto the sleeping pills tonight. And iv just spoken to another pharmasest and she said, i havent been on them long enough for them to give me any side efects, coming of them, she said that they arnt working yet and that my body wouldnt have excepted them ye. And because of this i can just stop asap. She said its after a bout 4-6 weeks on them, you would need to come of them slowly. so thats it for me 5 different independant doctors and pharmasists all telling me the same
thing and that 10 mg is a very low dose. So they are going in the bloody bin.

28-07-10, 17:28
Then I hope it goes really well for you hon and you get back to where you want to be.

Let me know how you get on though and am always around


28-07-10, 17:35
My best wishes go out to you as well, I hope it all works out for you.

Keep as informed as to how you get on.


28-07-10, 18:11
Thankyou girls, i will let you know, i would just like to say a big thankyou to you jo and kitcat and everyone eles supporting me you have been so kind and im so greatfull we all met , even through these difficult circomstances.

28-07-10, 22:50
Good things do come out of bad times hon and you best be keeping in touch....or else! lol


29-07-10, 09:30
Jo icirtanly will be, ill be watching over my regular girls who have been so good for me and watching your progress in the coming weeks. And ill be there foe anyone who just wants to talk.
Well today i woke up and had 7 hours solid sleep after a bad day , on a sleeping pill of course; and woke up today tierd , but satisfied i slept.
A bit nervious , as today is the first day i will not be taking the cit, so will need sleeping aid agqin tonight to be sure of two solid days of sleep. So i wake tom as poss as i can be. Then when sat comes i should; apparently , be fealing my norm self again just in time for my hol. Finger crossed , or ill be straight back in hear for support . Lol. Hope thats not needed.
So this is greg signing of for a short time. Take care all
your friendy and greatfull.
Greg x

29-07-10, 09:35
Take care of yourself too, and look after your girls as well. Be strong and I'm sure you can get through this, remember you've got the support of all of us on NMP.

Steve :)

29-07-10, 09:58
Wishing you all the best today hon, remember if you feel odd it is just coming off the tablets and don't panic about it xx

Hope it all goes really really well for you. Odd when you think about it that I up my dose the same day you come off yours lol

Take care


29-07-10, 13:46
Hi Greg

Wishing you all the best.

Have a good holiday.

29-07-10, 13:52
Good luck Greg im sure you will be ok in a couple of days .Maybe a headache or two but nothing too bad hun .Have a great holiday and let us know how it went when you get back .Take care enjoy yourself .Luv Sue x

29-07-10, 14:38
ohh guys i realy wish i new you all in the flesh i would give you all a great big hug..
thats you two steve..reading these mesages made me realy smile,it realy did
you are all so caring and i concider you all as my friends and support buddys..
well today is the first day of them,2.30 pm and so far , im sure its to early for reductions in my body and get to excited,But i am having a better day and have spent 3 hrs doing the house work while the fammily are all out,and i realy enjoyed it ( im a bit of a clean freek ) so sitting down with a decaf ( still for now ) and my laptop reading your lovely supportive messages..feeling like ( if i feel like this again tomorow or better, im stronger again,,,so ill keep in touch and send you all a message from my holliday this week ( should all go well )
take care to you all and i hope jo I hope all is well with your new dose,,,,take care love you all;;;;.xxx Greg

29-07-10, 15:57
Hey Hon

We should all organise a loony tunes bus trip one day when we are all cured lol

Glad to hear that things are going well at the minute and hope they carry on that way for you. You could always stick to the decaf anyway you know.....might just help when you are off the pills.

So far so good for me today, no SE's just yet and just trying to not think about them too much anyway to try not to force them on. Will wait and see, but thanks as always for asking xxx

30-07-10, 08:44
Jo the bus trip sounds fun lol. Glad to hear you doing ok so far keep it going.
2 nd day of the tablets now feeling. 85% me again no panic no fear no anxiety headachs etc, just jome lingering tierdness and some small iritation, but after the shock of 17 days of hell im not supprised. I think 2 days into my hol and ill be fine and will actually start to forget i even had all that shit. And like you say, i may as well stick to decaff now iv got use to it  tom morning ill be setting of to dorset and the weather looking a bit grim, typicle. But i am determin to hqve fun. If this is it now , no side efects to come ect. Ill be fine. Fingers crossed. Take care darling speek real sooooon. Greg xx

30-07-10, 10:33
Odd little SE's today, but nothing major. Apart from a craving for Roast Lamb lol all is good

Soooooo glad to hear you are feeling better hon and it looks like your holiday will be a good one, so make sure you enjoy it and have a great time with the family xxxx

30-07-10, 19:06
ohhh jo are you sure you are not pregnant.../? lol
well you need to get your hubby up to make that roast for you..
good to hear you only have mild ef hope they dont get any worse for you.
well just packed for my holiday,and feel a bit exutcited to be going possitive feelings and a few moments of ...the fear of what iv been through for 17 god dam days,and this is the second day of the tablets and feel like my old self abou 85%
so couple of days and im sure ill be me again...hurray..
i am having some headaches and a bit of slight dizzeness,and feeling a bit hot still,but im sure it will pass and the cit will be completley out of the system in the next day..
Bit nervous ,as tonight will be the first night without sleeping tablets in the last 3 nights,and i want to be freash for the morning,but i need to get back into normall sleeping without aid of tablets,so tonight will be a test as iv spent the last 17 days feering going to bed,thanks to them cits messing my life up...so now prob need to retrain my brain for a couple of nights,,,
ill let you know how things are going while on hol,,and let me know how you are going,,,take care jo...Greg xx

30-07-10, 19:58
Really really sure lol

He would as well, have discussed and roast lamb on sunday it is!

Really good news that you are doing so well and looking forward to the holiday. Remember tonight, just relax and don't think about it too much when you want to sleep. Breathe and think happy thoughts and sleep well hon x

You have a great great time away, you deserve it
