View Full Version : I need help/advice please

28-07-10, 12:43
Hey all, I feel like I really need to vent and maybe find some of you who could help or some who're experiencing what I experience.
My anxiety sensations started with tight throat, feeling like I couldn't swallow or would stop breathing, this went on for about a year and would happen a few times a week, suddenly it just stopped. Changed into breathing, I felt like my chest was going to stop working, like I had to make myself breathe, that every breath was something I had to think about, that went on for about 5 months off and on and stopped and then changed into palpitations, one night I went out with friends and I had about 100, was so scared I couldn't enjoy myself, I'd had nausea from worrying and had always had a bit of an off tummy from worry. Palpitations are rare for me now but now I've started with Dizziness, nausea, tiredness, aching and generallly feeling poo. I'm on no meds, I went to a docter twice in a week because I felt like I was dying, couldn't breathe, felt like I was going to throw up,.....

28-07-10, 12:47
had to carry on here wouldn't let me write more..

I was dizzy and a bit faint and described all my symptoms to the doctor and was convinced it was something bad, he did the usual, blood pressure, ears, throat, eyes checks, listened to my breathing, poked around my stomach and in the end he was like "Anxiety, I'm giving you this for your stomach acid and go home and sleep" so I did, next day I was back and I had the checks again with a different doctor who also said anxiety and gave me some dizziness and nausea meds. I stayed in bed for a week then got quite a lot better and now for the pas 2-3 weeks I've felt like crap, just dizzy off and on, so tired, aching.
Am I just over the top or does anybody else wake up in the morning feeling SO ill that they think they could just keel over?
Sometimes it's hard to even gt out of bed out of fear of what the day might bring, sometimes I think I should just stay in bed for a week again and sleep and rest and maybe that'd be enough :( Help?x

28-07-10, 17:49
MidnightCalm...you just described all the generic symptoms of anxiety, your doctor is right! I'm currently in bed having just got in from work, had a great day in work, got home without issue, got my dogs out to toilet, cleaned up after them and as I stepped back into the house I felt like my lip was numb so started touching it, moving it, rubbing it on my teeth and then the buzzing numbness stopped, came upstairs for loo and BOOM I am suddenly dizzy, extremely tired, nauseous and just feel very very strange like everything is going on around me but I can't involve myself in it, I'm having a de-realisation/de-personalisation moment out of the blue and made my way to bed and hope it clears shortly.
This is anxiety, it can cause you to feel ever so ill at any time of day or night - I often wake in a panic in real feeling at daft o clock in the morning, used to be bang on 3am but switches now - it's when it's like this anxiety becomes debilitating.
Are you already being treated for anxiety?
Hope you feel better soon
Take Care

28-07-10, 18:17
It's really important not to suffer with this alone - as cwoz82 says, are you being treated? There are a wide range of treatments that suit various people - talk to your GP. Lots of people on here have very helpful ideas and experiences. My only concern is that all the therapies mentioned on the site are CBT based or behavioural types - and whilst they help many people, there are other kinds of therapy which get to the root of the anxiety. They take longer, but in my experience, was so worth it. It's important to be properly assessed to see what kind of treatment you might be able to get, and what might work for you.

Best wishes

28-07-10, 18:37
I'm not on anything, I went to the doctors twice in one week in April and since have been feeling awful and REALLY ill :( It's particularly bad today, worst tight headache, severe shoulder & neck pain, my eyes, nose and throat feel strange, my sinuses just feel heavy. Feeling a bit nauseous, tired and hot. Some days are good others bad and then there're awful days where it just continues to get worse. After around 11pm when the house is asleep I start slowly feeling better (about 65%) and start fetting hungry and a bit of energy. Hate doctors, find it so hard to go from petrification, a lot of things in my home environment fuel my anxieties too, I'm just so uncomfortable in everything. Thanks guys....

28-07-10, 23:41
I think I've got an idea as to why I'm feeling so crap today especially, my friend that I live with has a very bad cold/flu and today I got pretty bad and tonight I've developed a sort of sore, itchy, phlegmy throat and I've been sneezing, think my anxiety could be high because I'm coming down with it? Can colds/flu affect anxiety?