View Full Version : effects after alcohol

28-07-10, 14:10
Had a few drinks last night and felt great to be honest, had a good night and the best sleep iv had in 2 years seriously. However waking up this morning I felt awful, I obviously expected to be hungover a bit but Iv got horrendous palpitations that wont go away,really bad shakes and blurry eyes. I feel horrible and considering never drinking again if its going to do this to me. Just thought id share and wander if this happens to many others.
Thanks guys

28-07-10, 15:35
hiya, i drink every night to relax, and always feel soo anxious the next morn, and ten times worse if ive had a lot to drink.. i wish i could stop drinking(not altogetha) coz i use it as arelaxant but its a catch 22 situation.. youll find loads on here about the morning booze after increasing anx etc xx

28-07-10, 15:36
meant anx in the morning after booze!! lol..not morning drinking!!!:ohmy: xx

28-07-10, 15:36
I've had palpitations after a night on the sauce as well mate. In fact I used to suffer from them badly years ago and for no apparent reason. Went to the docs, they did all sorts of tests and nothing showed up. Over the years they have faded, but occasionally I do get them, mostly after I've been out having a heavy night on the sauce. Don't think it's anything to worry about to be honest. The blurry eyes and shakes are standard hangover stuff.

28-07-10, 15:40
Thanks-its nice to know it isnt just me

28-07-10, 16:42
I always feel a tad anxious after alcohol.

28-07-10, 17:27
dont worry mate i used to use drink as a prop to make me feel better,but eventually it just gets worse,so now i just go out on a friday ,but the next morning i feel like crap,heart racing really anx,palps tthe lot ,its just that demon anxiety trying to get in ,i drink lots of water and try to get on with little jobs untill it settles down

29-07-10, 09:04
Alcohol makes me anxious as well, and this seems to have got worse as I've got older. Most of the time now, I don't have more than 2-3 small glasses of wine at once, even if I'm celebrating something, as it gives me horrendous palpitations as well as the other usual painful hangover symptoms.

About the only way round it if I want to drink a little bit more than that is to drink earlier in the day so that it's completely worn off before I go to bed.

29-07-10, 15:55
if you've had too much one night, have 2 booze free days to give your liver time to recover. The liver can pretty much always regenerate so long as you're not hammering it every night (and even then only 1 out of 10 heavy boozers get cirrhosis). I love a drink but stay off it sunday night, monday night and thursday night, and try to avoid heavy sessions now. I hate hangovers and beer bellies and my girlfriend agrees :)

29-07-10, 15:59
i'm on cit and i have a family event coming up shortly....and alcohol will be on offer....can we have one or two with our meds? its going to be along day just drinking coke.....i would like to have a glass (or two) wine with the meal etc. im also nervous about it and would like just a couple to relax xxxxxx

29-07-10, 16:06
you should check - some drugs can react badly with alcohol. Don't take the risk as you'll be worrying all the time. Ask your GP or check out a REPUTABLE information source online such as NHS

29-07-10, 17:36
Calm, I have been on 20mg Cit for 4 months and I drink 6-7 pints on a Friday or saturday night. A few times I have even drunk both nights. The first time you drink on these the hangover is bad, but it wears off over the period of time you drink. I have not sufferred for ages.