View Full Version : Feel so fed up and don't know what is wrong with me

28-07-10, 15:56
I just don't know what's wrong with me like for example today I feel so lazy, just want to sit by a computer all day and do nothing, my chest feels strained and I feel so tired and knackered. Not sure if it's lack of sleep, exercise? but even going say one walk has never made me feel good so I gave up quick enough...

I am back to weekend hours at work so just sitting bored in the house again. I have been depressed, anxious, suffering bad depersonalization which has made me feel emotionally numb..some things have improved and I've had better days..

But I have days like this, more often than not I just don't know me, my purpose, feel numb about life, ask why I feel this way? Maybe I keep reminding myself of past anxious times?

Is it normal for anxiety or depression or whatever this is to make me almost upto doing nothing, feeling so emotionless? Is there any cures here?? :shrug:

28-07-10, 16:03
I also wonder if there's any cure for this cause i've been like this for more than 5 years.
It would be nice if those who cured can share their experiences.

28-07-10, 22:10

I'm the same..been suffering for 3years and have tried almost EVERYTHING....am resulting to The linden Method at the moment, will keep you both posted on what its like and IF it helps!! :)

13-08-10, 08:41
I know exactly how you feel. I'm currently off work due to depression and anxiety. When I was working I was so overwhelmed and anxious I thought I was losing my mind but since I've been off it's like the depression us taking over and I'm becoming numb too. The only conclusion I can come to is that it's the effects of having nothing to do and no one but my dogs to talk to all day is just making me switch off more. As much of a mare as work is I think I'll be going back after my 3weeks are up...only so much daytime tv I can take!

13-08-10, 09:03

13-08-10, 13:41
But of course sitting in front of the computer feeling apathetic is much more likely to work. Apathy always heals. (Sarcasm.)

Seriously..why do you feel the need to do this? You give good advice and then you put the boot in with a sarcastic comment.
Why bother to answer if you then resort to this kind of nastiness..it reminds me of bullying from someone who thinks themselves superior. :lac:

13-08-10, 13:53
If people found it easy to get into a routine when they felt like this ,do you honestly think they wouldnt be doing it ? Most people know its not helping them but when you feel so overwhelmed its practically impossible to get motivated .Speaking to people who are feeling so very trapped in this manner isnt Empathic and totally unecessary .Sarcasm after all is the lowest form of wit ..:lac:Sue

13-08-10, 16:28
I too often feel like this, drained and knackered, my moods rolling back and forth like the ebb and flow of the tides. Believe me, if we could do something about it, we would, we hate sitting round feeling useless. My only advice is to do what you are able to, getting little jobs done and ticking them off can lift the mood, having little victories like this can help, and does. I'm not saying it will get rid of the blues, but it can help keep us going on this long road we are on.

13-08-10, 16:46

13-08-10, 17:45
No, I'm not over sensitive to sarcasm but I can tell you that if I posted for advice and somebody answered me with a sarcastic remark at the end of the post, I sure as heck wouldn't feel too good about myself.

I can be blunt when it comes to honesty but I would never intentionally go out of my way to make someone feel bad..you don't seem to have a problem with this though and don't consider how your remarks might make someone feel..I think that is a selfish act.

Given the nature of this forum maybe you should give some more thought to how you address people who ask for advice as I doubt that I'm alone in thinking that sarcastic remarks are rarely helpful.

The thing I am sensitive to is people who think they can be insulting without any consequence..I think it is just an excuse for being condescending and nasty.

I am not in the habit of having arguments on this forum as I respect people too much for that so this will be my last post on this subject.

13-08-10, 18:14
I have had discussions with many people on this site and the chat forum about this exact subject. The one common thing that us people have in this state is the inability to get motivated. I too was in this postition for many months, approx 4. The one thing I learned through reading about this dreadful condition is that for the most part only we sometimes with the help of counseling or drugs can get ourselves out of the what I call the ( Severe Slump). I have this discussion with many and over and over again I have confirmed that it is true that doing nothing is the feading of this depression!!! So back three months ago I started counseling, taking Citalopram. These two things alone did not take me out of my slump, but more so what did was getting a life. Forcing myself to get out of the house, get exercise, eat better, talk to friends about my condition who love me. Get back to the things that I used to enjoy, biking, running, hangin with my 15 year old coaching etc. Only when I made these changes did I start to pull out of the " Severe Slump". I am not completely healed but I can function, I do laugh again, I no longer think I'm dying etc. This doesn't happen over night but one small step at a time.

For the sarcasm remark from Britutar, I can see him saying this as I sometimes feel like I want to make the same comments. All though I understand it's hard to pull out of this and that everyone's story is different and measures differently in scale. I also believe there are a lot of us out there are too many of us that are not willing to help ourselves in this world. ONce people reach a certain time without helping themslves how do the rest of not feel un-sypathetic. This is not to say that the the writer of this thread is this way but there are many that are.

Just my opinion.


13-08-10, 18:23
.....ok, back to the topic...
If your lifestyle/routine makes you feel this down then that would be the first thing I would try to change, I sometimes feel really terrible at work, but as cwoz82 says, maybe it's better to get out and feel terrible than stay in and feel terrible, a walk in the park, round the block, something physical, but simple.
About a year ago I used to wake up, butterflies in my belly, headaching, legs aching, arms aching, all the usual shi**y feelings one gets, but one day I thought f**k it, its my mind that is making me feel this way, so I can change things.
I went to docs who put me on medication and counselling (something you dont mention, so if you havent been, thats the first thing I would suggest), this has slowly helped, but now I run between 7 - 10k, 3 times a week which is great for burning off energy that would only go to fuel stress otherwise.
At first I felt sure that I was going to die at any moment after 500 metres, but stick at it and it works. Buy an ipod and listen to your favorite music as you go, just DONT GIVE UP!
Turn that damn telly off, it wont help you, put the radio on and read a book instead on the days you dont go out.

Hope this helps

13-08-10, 19:28
Yeah, have to agree Reggie. Figure what it is you enjoy and make yourself do these things. When trying to deal with these feelings I find i've had to be selfish/bloody minded, I've wasted myself on running around after others, allowing other people to occupy my time at the cost of spending it with family and others who actually love me.
Walking made me happy so i'd walk with my dogs who also make me happy to see them running and enjoying themselves. I also love swimming so i'm joining my local authority leisure centre as they've a swimming membership.
The best thing i was ever told by a Dr who was a locum was to set myself a goal. I love being active but don't do enough and i need something to focus on, something that I can achieve just by myself. I entered for a 5k run for charity but discovered it was the same day as a family wedding :shrug:
So i've now entered for a 26mile bike ride in aid of the same charity in October...first goal though is to buy a bike!! But i've found that not only has this helped but it makes me feel good too knowing i'm doing something and giving something back!

Just figure what you like and make yourself do it, i often don't feel at all like walking/swimming but once i get myself out and do it i feel much better (the majority of the time - not saying it's a miracle cure!). Generally activity is your best bet as it helps the body produce endorphines, the "feel good" hormones and a depressed body and mind just cannot get enough of the stuff.