View Full Version : Drunk/foggy feeling

28-07-10, 19:14
Hi, I had a panic attack exactly two weeks ago and my breathing was irregular and my pulse was up I also felt weak in the legs and my head was foggy. I am good now except I have this foggy brain, like I am high or drunk but can still function cognitively and have all my motor skills. It feels like my legs are slow and that I am sort of disconnected from my body. Does anyone have these symptoms??? How can I help alleviate them? Thank you for responding.

29-07-10, 21:57
yes! i think what u have described is depersonalisation this happens after long periods of stress or anxiety . i am experiencing it quite badly at the moment spent the whole day not knowing what i am doing and feeling like im not really here its pretty scary but the only way to get past it is to accept it and try to do things to take your mind off it . i also have the foggy head and feel detached from my self just talking can be a problem ! x

30-07-10, 05:09
I thought i was alone in this world. i hope you are feeling better. I hope this gets better over time.

30-07-10, 07:55
you are in no way alone ! so never think that. this stuff is really common i am not so sure if time helps i think its more to do with the way we think the only way to get past it is not to fear it...only when u truly accept ur in no danger will it pass... good luck and dont try to force it away just go with it whats the worst that can happen?! x

01-08-10, 18:06
I had this for ages, a feeling of unreality and as if my head was stuffed with cotton wool. Even simple things like handing over the correct change in shops became a big deal. I felt like I was in a bubble the whole time and couldn't connect with anything. Definitely a foggy feeling, as you say. But I want to reassure you it does go. Apparently the unreality/disconnected feeling is a way of protecting us from further stress, so if you can look on it as something that is helping you, rather than something to worry about, you will soon get used to it and then it will disappear sooner.