View Full Version : why am i getting attacks so suddenly?

28-07-10, 21:09
Hi there

I'm new to the forum.

Needing some answers/ advice on panic attacks i think im having them.
My doctor has diagnosed severe heartburn but I am not convinced.

Basically two weeks ago i suffered my first attack, woke up in the night, racing heart, hot and cold sweats, suffocating feeling in my throat and chest pain. I made all this worse by worrying that i was having a heart attack - it felt like i was going to die!!!!

We phoned the nhs who told me to drink some water, control my breathing and try to calm down, eventually an hour later i went back to bed with a feint pain in my chest.

Excactley a week later the same thing happened. all with the above issues plus stomach pain and severe difficulty breathing, I was taken to a&e who did ecg, xray, ultrasound and bloods.....all normal.

I have recently changed doctors and this is the first time i have seen my new dr, he said it seems to be severe heart burn and has put me on gastro tabsfor a whole month but said it should be gone within three days but still take tabs for the month, however it has happened the ;ast two nights in a row. I managed to deal with these two attacks myself and didnt wake anyone.

I dont know how to explain or tell my doctor that i think im having attacks.

Im 25, non-smoker for 4 months, mild asthma and some stress with work. my mother suffers from anxiety.

Please help me im at my wits end, many thanks.:)

28-07-10, 21:11
Also to add, the feint pain in the chest has stuck around, appearing for 3-5 seconds several times during the day and evening.:weep:

28-07-10, 21:38
Hi Janine and :welcome:

I have a sneaking suspicion that you may be right! Severe heartburn would normally be just that..a burning pain in your gullet.

Maybe finish the course of tablets that the doc has given you and if you are still having symptoms go back to see him.

There is lots of good info on this site about Panics etc..a good place to start your reading is here.


Good luck and keep us posted :flowers:

28-07-10, 21:53
To be honest, it sounds as if you have anxiety, but your doctor is saying something else??

Maybe you have heart burn and anxiety too...

The description above definetely sounds like anxiety, racing heart, cold sweats and the rest described are all symptoms of anxiety, I dont think it has anything to do with your mother having anxiety, because anxiety is from stress, its not hereditory....

I think the best thing to do, is just to calm down and stop stressing, maybe you have quite a bit of stress in your life...

Or sometimes it can just be the envioronment that we are in subconsciously affecting you...

The best thing is take some timeout for yourself, and do some relaxation excersises, ther is also a tool in which I personally recommend as it has helped me...

You can go to the link below to get more info about that....

but just take everthing easy Janine, maybe you are tressing yourself and not evern realising it!

All the best Janine

Hope Ive helped :)

Louise Evans

28-07-10, 22:00
Hi Louise

I have been reading your posts with interest and see that you are anxiety free now, I'm very glad to hear it.

I'm just wondering what brought you to No More Panic as you are now cured, I'm guessing a desire to help others?

I see that you have included the same link in all your posts, perhaps you can tell us exactly what you did to recover?

I'm sure we could benefit from your own personal story..I am always loathe to click on links as they always seem to end up trying to sell me something!

I enrolled myself for one of these "free" programmes before..it was free initially but only at the very beginning, before I knew it I was being asked to shell out nearly £50 for "the cure"..needless to say I decided not to take them up on their offer.

31-07-10, 18:12
Janine, you could very well be having heartburn, but unless your eating habits can account for that, I suspect that the discomfort is a manifestation of an anxiety disorder rather than being the root cause.

It certainly can't hurt to continue taking the heartburn medication that your doctor recommended. In the interim, have you thought about trying some of the different herbal teas that can help ease feelings of anxiety? I find that if I brew a combination of passion flower, chamomile, and peppermint it helps to relax me, especially at night.

If you have stress at work, that could be part of the reason for what you are going through. Relaxation exercises, including breathing exercises may help with the stress. Also, some people can take herbs like lemon balm or valerian to help them sleep more soundly, which in turn leaves you more refreshed and better able to deal with stress. Take care with trying the herbs; I discovered some time ago that valerian leaves me feeling hung over in the morning (this was before I went on meds), and lemon balm tended to dull my emotions all day long. Everyone reacts to herbs differently, so if you go this route, there may be some trial and error before you find the right thing.