View Full Version : Sore throat and holiday planned - worried

28-07-10, 21:55
I have booked two days in a hotel for me and my hubby at the weekend for our anniversary (2 hours drive and scared but owe it to him to go away somewhere). The thing is that I have a bit of a sore throat and glands and am terrified that I will be worse for going away, I always worry about getting ill before a holiday. Nightmare.

Going home
28-07-10, 22:47
It could be that you're about to come down with a cold, or...it could be that you're trying to put off going? Do you usually find that you feel a bit 'iffy' before you go away? Alot of people with health anx try to find ways of not going away, but it sounds like you really want to go for your hubby and as its only 2 days, try to relax and just go with it, even if it does develop into a cold, it won't harm you and he'll love you loads for doing it for him.

Happy anniversary by the way :flowers: Hope you make it because you deserve it.

Anna xxx

29-07-10, 10:14
Thanks so much Anna, i think it is just a bit of a cold but I will try to rest up before saturday and just try to enjoy it xxxx

margaret jones
29-07-10, 11:21
Hi Paulaf
I am sure you will be ok maybe take some paracetomol or strepsils with you and then i bet you wont need them have a lovely time you deserve it .

Maggie xxxxxx

ps when i go away it is like taking a remedy for every event my son in law always laughs at me usually i dont need them but you can bet someone will .:winks:

29-07-10, 17:24
Thanks Maggie - I am the same, always have a full medical supply when I go anywhere! If anyone at work needs painkillers they always come to me! I will take my usual supplies and hopefully wont need them, thanks again xxxx

margaret jones
29-07-10, 18:39
Paula well done go for it and let us know what a super time you have had xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Maggie

Because i bet you will xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx