View Full Version : Panic attacks at night

28-07-10, 23:36
I've suffered health anxiety for nearly 6 years now which all started from what i never realised was a panic attack at the time. I thought i had it under control as i had been 3 years without a panic attack, until about 3 months ago. I woke up in the middle of the night with a severe attack from nowhere which took me to hospital. (i didn't recognise it as an attack as it wasn't like one i'd had before and it lasted for a good hour) It scared the hell out of me, and now i'm waking in the night with the fear of having them, which in turn brings them on. I'm even anxious about going to bed and going to sleep and it's always guaranteed that i will wake up at some point coz my lil boy wakes, so i guess i've developed panic disorder :weep:

I'm seeing a therapist so i do understand the whole cycle of events but i want to know if anyone else suffers a simlar thing and how you deal with it or how you've overcome it.

Be great to hear from you guys :)

28-07-10, 23:43
Hi Clare and :welcome:

We do have a lot of posts about this so click on search (above) and enter "panic attacks night" and search on titles only and you will find all the posts about it.

There are loads with the same problem

28-07-10, 23:53
yes i know the feeling i have them just as i am about to nod off and i wake up in a right state and like you say you start to fear going to bed because of these attacks ,please dont worry,try to relax before you think of going to sleep,a little light reading or a warm drink and let the sleep come naturally to you ,good luck