View Full Version : Things do get better! :-)

21-02-06, 23:44
Evening all.

As a recovered sufferer, I was pleased to see your article in the DM today.

Panic is very lonely and it is good to see there is support now.

Keep up the good work :-)

21-02-06, 23:46
Thanks for that and it is great to know you got through it. That will helps loads on the site.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

22-02-06, 01:52
care to share any tips as to how you got through it? I always like to hear about it.

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"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

22-02-06, 18:50
Certainly, it was all down to Dr Claire Weekes.

I was (for a short while) agoraphobic.....like many of the others on here i had/ have a good job, homelife etc etc.

Had a few panic attacks and before I knew it I was agoraphobic.

My whole encounter with nervous illness lasted around 6 months (but included a breakdown). I am in no doubt that if I hadn't read Dr Claires work, I would still be struggling.

22-02-06, 19:10
Hi and welcome to the forum.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

22-02-06, 19:11
Thanks, Karen.

Nice of you to say so.


22-02-06, 19:30
Hi and welcome aboard the forum

I totally agree about Claire Weekes - she certainly knows her stuff.

Look forward to hearing more from you if you would like to help others recover too.

Well done on your recovery.


22-02-06, 19:34
Thanks nmp :-)

I think that once you go through it, you develop what I can only describe as a 'debt of gratitude', payable by passing on your experiences.

I guess you feel the same, and this website is your way.