View Full Version : breaking the cycle...please help

29-07-10, 09:24
how does one break the cycle of feeling worst in the mornings....as soon as i open my eyes the feelings of panic/anxiety swamp my mind.
please please any advice would be so so welcome xxxxx

29-07-10, 10:18
Hi Calm, mornings are my worst time too, I often if not always wake up with a pounding heart and feeling of dread thinking of what I will need to face in the coming day. It is an immediate feeling and makes it very hard to go back to sleep. My tip is just to get up and watch tv to distract myself, or go on the computer, have some breakfast if you can, anything rather than just lie in bed focusing on feeling anxious. That is of course if it is a reasonable hour, if you are waking too early to get up, you might want to try some relaxation techniques to drift off to sleep again, or counting from 300 downwars, something like that? good luck xxxx

29-07-10, 10:30
Morning Tracey :)

I agree with Paula, I think mornings are the worst time for many of us and it's mainly because we don't want to deal with what the day might hold for us.

Thing is, we cannot know for sure what the day holds but we work ourselves up into a right state..I used to think that if I was prepared for it, then i would be able to cope with whatever came my way.

Nah, didn't happen like that. Because I had got so stressed and anxious, the day always seemd hard and things that were really not that difficult seemed a massive problem because I was so wound up.

Don't sit and stew on it, remember that you have probably woken up feeling this way every morning for ages now but nothing catastrophic has happened. It is the cycle of fear, the "what-ifs" that hold us prisoner.

Try and tell yourself that although it's unpleasant that it is ok to feel like this and that you are going to ignore it as best as you can and go do something else, even if you feel rough.

Just chip away slowly at that anxiety. :hugs:

29-07-10, 11:20
Ladies....what would i do without you....beginning to feel calm....anxiety level has dropped plus panic level going down.
i have a friend who keeps on saying "live for the day" and "dont think about tomorrow".....those are lovely sentiments but when we have this condition its just not that easy.
i am doing what you guys say xxxx thank you so much xxxxx

29-07-10, 17:11
Glad to help, maybe this anxiety thing is worthwhile if it just means we can do or say one thing to help each other. I hope all gets better for you x