View Full Version : Shooting pains in left side of head.. Seen dr!

29-07-10, 11:47
I posted a few weeks ago that I had been woken by a sudden quick sharp shooting pain behind my left eye and on left side of head. It happened a few times and on and off throughout day. I put it down to needing a new prescription for my eye glasses. So got eyes checked all healthy just needed my prescription, so have had new glasses for over a week. Pains just eased off and disappeared however I was woken by them again last night, again only in left side top of head, sharp shooting pains that would come and go consistantly. So saw dr this morn who took bp ( which was slightly high borderline but not high enough to cause me problems) and felt over my head. Didn't think it was anything nasty or serious and said it sounded nerve related-neuralgia!? Was sent to hospital for blood tests asked nurse and she said they were checking blood for routine stuff, kidney, sugars, blood count.
I obviously cannot stop panicking and freaking out!!! :( if symtoms get worse I have to go straight to dr!
Has anyone experienced this or can offer words of advice??
CJ x

29-07-10, 11:54
no i havent but i think sometimes the panic/anxiety feelings can attack our vulnarable areas....if you know wot i mean....call your doctor to put your mind at rest.
its awful isnt it....just call him/her now...ok xxxxxx it will be ok xxxxxx

29-07-10, 12:52
Is your neck aching as well???? I have prolasped discs and arthritis in my neck and I can get terrible sharp neuralgia type pains almost anywhere on head but most commonly in my temple and around eye - I can even get it where it hurts to move my eye!! I have had this on and off for over 15 years and my neck is always painful at same time. I also can get vertigo and dizziness and as you can imagine many years ago I was convinced it was either a brain tumour or an about to burst aneurysm. It was only when I got a brain mri that I accepted my Drs diagnosis and I wasted about 8 years worrying that it was something serious wihout realising it had gone on for so long.
Obviously only your Dr can diagnose you and my symptoms are only one of many reasons but just to let you know that not all the reasons have to be deadly:)

29-07-10, 15:14
I get shooting pains daily in my temple and eye area, GP has told me it's all tension.

Try not to worry, they are very routine bloods. Sounds like your GP is just doing a full MOT to reassure you.

29-07-10, 16:25
Thank you everyone for taking time to reply! I cant help freaking out and feeling scared! It's taking me over, the pains are coming now and the always in same area. makes me jump and panic each time it happens :(
I HATE HATE HATE health anxiety!! :(