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View Full Version : I need help with GAD

29-07-10, 13:44
Hi All

I've been reading through your posts and have found them great help.

I have recently been diag with GAD and will start CBT therapy for this on Friday.

I would like some advice please, I'll give you a quick history;

Been a worrier all my life, my partner of 10 years left me just over 2 years ago and was very angry with me. I suffer and have also been diag with PMDD this year.

Anyway when the ex left I went on Citalopram for the first time, was self treating before with Diazapm when I could get it. Huge improvement on the Citalopram, however I met a new guy and all was great just over a year ago so I came off the anti depressants as I could not have an orgasm.

Anyway, I had finally got a gyno appointment and he put me into a medical menopause (I am 32, no kids but want them), ohmy god what a nightmare. With in two days of having a implant called zoladex I was a raving luny, full of anxiety, convinced my new fella was going to dump me or two timing me.

He threatened to leave twice, I was devestated and decided to go back to my docs as I couldn't hack this menopause thing they had put me into. She put me on 15mg of mirtazapine and sent me home. The mental health crisis team started coming twice a week as I was in such a state.

I got a little better over the next 3 weeks, but had to have another implant of zoledex in May, had that went nuts again, refused anymore and still my periods havn't started although I have been down the last few days.

I went upto 22.5mg of mirt for 3 weeks, last week started to get paranoid about my relationship and stuff so have now been on 30mg for three days.

I am so scared, my boyfriend is going home this weekend, and I am dreading it, cause I will spend all my time worrying he is upto no good. He hasn't ever done anything to make me think he will and only threatened to leave me cause I was on and on and on about us. Seeking reasurrance all the time and what not.

Is it normal to start to feel more anxiety when the mirt dose goes up? I am hoping it is and I will start to level out again soon? Will I? I seem to remember feeling a bit bad the other month when I went from 15mg to 22.5mg, but am not sure as sometimes iI feel like I can't trust my own mind.

I have felt PMSY this last 8 days but it feels like it is passing again now, or maybe I just ovulated the other day and that always gets me down, but if thats the case I'm going to be flipping mad again in about 6 days when my period will maybe start.

I am so sick of all this, wish it would just go away, I wish I never went to the gyno for my PMDD and just went back on the anti D's again. I am also terrifyed that my periods have stopped all together and that would be sods law as I have this fella now that I want to mate with.

Life feels such hard work and I have lost touch with most of my friends as when I was ill I pushed them all away.

I just don't know what to do, :weep:


29-07-10, 13:57
sally my heart goes out to you....i dont know much about "GAD" but i know people on here will help.
could you give your friends a call......they maybe just waiting to reconnect with you....i know that you may think that you could not possibly, but maybe give one of them a call....who knows....it maybe the start to your friendships being resumed xxxx

29-07-10, 14:34
Hi thanks for your reply

I tried to call one of my friends the other week and she went on and on about herself and stopped talking to me to answer a FB message and then after about ten minute said how are you and X, meaning my partner. She didn't even ask me how I was, just me and my partner. When I said great I think, she said she was going.

I feel their all a little Jelous as they are all single have loads of bad relationships breakups and I have moved on from my big breakup and met someone else and still have a close relationship with my ex.

Maybe I am just imagining it,, but they seem indifferent towards me since me and my fella have got together, saying thing like "well its a shame your mentlal state is going to ruin yourrelationship", when I was very ill. Or telling me this and that about my new fella (13 months now) even though they've only met him for 5 minutes between them and he's from the south, me up north.

Its a bummer, I'm moving down south soon, he's up here but goes home everyother weekend anhd I sit here worrying full of anxiety till he's back.

I'm sure this is to do with how my ex left after ten years, he just went one day and refused to speak to me for 6 months.

But I'm sure these friends are jsut trying to spoil things for me :-(